Healthy Mouth
11. Avoid Gingivitis
Who wants to kiss a mouth full of bloody gums Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is characterized by swollen and bleeding gums. It is uncomfortable and can be the first step toward tooth loss. Gingivitis is caused by plaque irritating the gums; if not corrected, the acids can break down the tissue, leading to periodontitis, which causes irreparable bone and gum loss. Regular brushing, flossing and professional cleaning can prevent gingivitis. However, it should not cause panic; the American Dental Association believes that 75 percent of adults are affected. Following the recommended brushing and flossing routine can alleviate gingivitis. Additionally, a saltwater rinse can reduce irritation and kill bacteria. After eating, if you cant brush immediately, rinse your mouth with water to remove particles and soothe gums.
12. Use a Mouth Rinse
Now that youve done everything else on the list to make your mouth truly kissable, theres one last, quick refresher. In addition to brushing and flossing, your dentist may recommend an American Dental Association approved therapeutic mouth rinse. Such rinses have been judged to be safe for consumers and effective for specific uses, such as controlling gingivitis, delivering fluoride and controlling bad breath. Cosmetic mouth rinses are also available. They may mask breath odor but do not address the source of the problem, nor do they affect the teeth or gums. For an effective solution closer to home, mix ordinary saltwater (1 teaspoon salt to 1 cup warm water) to remove plaque and kill odor causing bacteria.Good oral hygiene isnt terribly time consuming; it requires a few minutes a few times a day. This small investment can result in a healthy, dazzling, kissable mouth.
13. Eat a nutritious and balanced diet
Without the right nutrients, your teeth and gums are more prone to decay and gum disease. Choose foods from Canadas Food Guide to Healthy Eating. It is important that everyone maintains their calcium intake throughout life. Calcium helps us keep strong bones and teeth.
14. Visit your dental professional
Every year your mouth should be checked. Hard deposits called tartar should be removed. An oral checkup can reveal symptoms of other medical conditions such as diabetes and oral cancer.
15. Check your mouth and gums
Carefully check your mouth and gums for early signs of disease such as red, swollen or bleeding gums.
16. Go on a white teeth diet
If youre quaffing red wine and black tea, or smoking cigarettes or cigars, expect the results to show up as not so pearly whites. Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas, gravies, and dark juices. Bottom line: If its dark before you put it in your mouth, it will probably stain your teeth. Brush immediately after eating or drinking foods that stain teeth and use a good bleaching agent, either over the counter or in the dentists office. For convenient teeth cleaning action, eat an apple.
17. Chuck your toothbrush
or change the head of your electric toothbrush at least every two to three months. Otherwise, youre just transferring bacteria to your mouth. According to Beverly Hills dentist Harold Katz, D.D.S., the best way to brush is by placing your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle against your gums and gently moving it in a circular motion, rather than a back and forth motion. Grip the toothbrush like a pencil so you wont scrub too hard.
18. Clean your tongue
Use a tongue scraper every morning to remove tongue plaque and freshen your breath. One major cause of bad breath is the buildup of bacteria on the tongue, which a daily tongue scraping will help banish. Plus, using a tongue scraper is more effective than brushing your tongue with a toothbrush, says Dr. Katz.
19. Eat detergent foods
Foods that are firm or crisp help clean teeth as theyre eaten. We already mentioned apples (otherwise known as natures toothbrush); other choices include raw carrots, celery, and popcorn. For best results, make detergent foods the final food you eat in your meal if you know you wont be able to brush your teeth right after eating.
20. Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week
This will remove stains and whiten your teeth. Use it just as you would toothpaste. You can also use salt as an alternative toothpaste. Just be sure to spit it out so it doesnt count as sodium intake! Also, if your gums start to feel raw, switch to brushing with salt every other day.
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