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Hibiscus Syriacus



Hibiscus Syriacus

The Hibiscus syriacus, known generally by the name of Althaea frutex, is a native of Syria, and forms one of the chief ornaments of our gardens in autumn, we view it, however, with less delight, as it is a sure indication of approaching winter.There are many varieties of it mentioned by authors, as the purple, red flowered, white flowered, variegated red and white flowered, and the striped flowered, to which may be added, another variety, lately introduced, with double flowers it varies also in its foliage, which is sometimes marked with white, sometimes with yellow.As from the lateness of its flowering, and the want of sufficient warmth, it rarely ripens its seeds with us, the usual mode of increasing it is by layers, and sometimes by cuttings, but the best plants are raised from seeds. Miller observes, that the scarce varieties may be propagated by grafting them on each other, which is the common method of propagating the sorts with striped leaves.In the time of Parkinson it was not looked on as a hardy shrub he thus writes,


Gladiolus Communis
Ornithogalum Nutans
Hedysarum Obscurum
Viburnum Tinus
Centaurea Glastifolia
Gladiolus Cardinalis
Ixora Coccinea
Epilobium angustissimum
Lathyrus Articulatus
Iris Ochroleuca
Struthiola Erecta
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