Smallest and tallest living horses
Extreme Guinness World Records

Smallest and tallest living horses
As of July 7, 2006, the record for the smallest living horse was held by Thumbelina, a miniature sorrel brown mare who measures 44.5 centimeters (17.5 inches) to the withers and is owned by Kay and Paul Goessling, who live on the Goose Creek Farm in St. Louis, Mo. Radar, a Belgian draft horse, measured 19 hands, 3.5 inches (79.5 inches, 202 centimeters) without shoes on July 27, 2004. Radar is owned by Priefert Manufacturing Inc. of Mount Pleasant, Texas. The two were brought together fora Guinness photo shoot Sept. 3, 2006. Guinness World Records 2006 Credit: Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records.

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