Exercises Ideas
11. Reverse Lunge
Rather than stepping forward, try taking a long stride backwards to place added emphasis on the hips.
12. Bulgarian Split Squat
This is a great exercise that can be tricky to master. Stand in front of a raised surface and place one foot behind you laces down on said surface. Keeping your torso upright, descend until the knee of your rear leg touches the ground, and then push back up to return to the starting position. Make sure the knee of your front leg doesnt move past the toes.
13. Single Leg Box Squat
This is a progression towards the pistol squat that a lot of people will find difficult. Standing in front on a raised surface such as a chair, stool or step, stand on one leg and sit back on to the surface behind you. Keep your arms out in front of you as a counterbalance and try to keep your torso upright throughout. As you improve at this exercise you can use lower surfaces.
14. Skater Squat
Stand on one leg with your hands out in front of you as a counter balance. With your other leg out behind you and a slight forward lean, sit back until the knee of the rear leg comes close to the ground. Quickly push back up to the starting position.
15. Shrimp Squat
To perform a shrimp squat, begin in an upright position, then bend one knee so you can grab your ankle behind your back just like you would if you were stretching your quads. From there, slowly lower yourself down until your knee touches the ground, then stand back up. MUCH easier said than done!
16. Pistol Squat
The pistol squat takes a great deal of balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength. Its for that reason that its one of the most impressive bodyweight exercises in existence. To give it a shot excuse the pun, hold one leg out in front of you from a standing position and squat down while keeping your weight on your back foot.
17. Glute Bridge
Lie on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your hands at your sides. Push through your heels and use your glutes to lift your hips as high as possible. Pause at the top and slowly return to the starting position.
18. Side Lying Clam
Lie on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees and heels touching each other. Open your knees by flexing your glutes and hold the position. Slowly return to the starting position.
19. Donkey Kick
Get down on all fours with your back flat. Kick one leg to the rear and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg.
20. Bent Leg Donkey Kick
Kneel down on all fours with your legs bent at 90 degrees. Quickly lift one leg up behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg. This variation places more emphasis on the glutes, and less on the hamstrings.
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