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Talking it over

Exam Tips


Talking it over

If we wind back the clock a few years, we have Chris and I getting ready for our Biomed exams.
Chris is one of those annoying people who only has to read something or hear something once and hes got it. I on the other hand, have to work at my memory retention a bit more. Hmph. Theres no way Im going to remember something I wrote down a week ago. I need to further input.
Well theres one thing in particular that I swear by when it comes memory retention and thats discussing your study notes with someone.


What IS important is the effort they put in
Is your teen mixing it up
To get good grades your teen needs to employ strategy
So have a go at making a study timetablewith your teen
Projection thinking is the key
What Do Good Studiers Do
Why is this so important
The Simple Solution To Procrastination
This stuff can be a pain to study because you just have toknow it
Discussing and revising with other students
How to Battle Studys Greatest Enemy Procrastination
The result
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