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Send Christmas cards or Christmas emails out to as many people as you can

Enjoy Christmas Day


Send Christmas cards or Christmas emails out to as many people as you can

Send cards or email greetings to any family members, mothers father, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins and nephews. Send them to your friends, send them to people you work with, send them to people who provide you services. Send as many as you can doing this will help you feel like you are sharing Christmas with others. Send the cards or greetings early and you will find that people send them back. Even though you are on your own, you will know others are thinking of you at Christmas.


Enjoy the food
Have a homemade Christmas
Give your time
It isnt an intellectual debate
Get festive
Love yourself and love the season but focus on others
Love the Scrooges
Send Christmas cards or Christmas emails out to as many people as you can
Its all about warm feelings
Go to church if you normally do this
Volunteer at a church or hospital or even a jail to help make other peoples Christmas special
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