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There May Be More Universes

Crazy Facts About The Universe


There May Be More Universes

The idea that we live in a multiverse, in which our universe is one of many, comes from a theory called eternal inflation, which suggests that shortly after the Big Bang, spacetime expanded at different rates in different places. According to the theory, this gave rise to bubble universes that could function with their own separate laws of physics. The concept is controversial and had been purely hypothetical until recent studies searched for physical markers of the multiverse theory in the cosmic microwave background, which is a relic of the Big Bang that pervades our universe.


There Are at Least 10 Billion Trillion Stars in the Universe
Lunar Drift
The Moon smells like gunpowder
Galileo s Theory of Spacial Relativity
Einsteins Theory of Relativity
Constant motion
The Sun s rays on your skin are 30000 years old
Electrons Colliding At The Edge Of The Universe Affect Us On Earth Instantaneously
One Million Earths Could Fit Inside The Sun
Not necessarily alone
You Can Never Use The Past To Predict The Future
All 6 Billion People On Earth Can Fit Inside An Orange
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