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Naga Panchami Rituals

Celebration of Nag Panchami


Naga Panchami Rituals

Naga Panchami is one of the prominent Hindu festivals of India. It falls on the fifth day of the moonlit fortnight in the month of Shravan according to the Hindu calendar, which corresponds to July August as per the Gregorian calendar. Historical records suggest that the worship of snakes was wide spread even before the Aryan civilization, when the Naga culture was incorporated into Hinduism. It is believed that the culture of worshipping a number of snake deities was begun by the Indo Aryans. According to a popular legend, snakes take shelter in gardens and homes, whenever their holes are flooded with rainwater.Since snakes pose a great threat to humankind due to their venom, they are worshipped by the Hindus, on Nag Panchami.
The festival was initially observed to worship the forces of Mother Nature, later on a day to honor Gods ferocious creation snakes. Snakes are worshipped on Nag Panchami, with immense devotion. The devotees visit temples dedicated to snakes, to offer prayers. Since it is celebrated with religious fervor, a number of customs are related to the festivals. Go through the following lines to know more about Naga Panchami rituals.


Historical background of Nag Panchami
Daan on Nag panchami
Nag Panchami Customs and Traditions
Customary Ways to Serve and Eat Naag Panchami Food
General Beliefs about Nag Panchami
Naga Panchami Story
Legend That Invokes People To Celebrate Nag Panchami
Special Pujas
Traditional fervour marks Nag Panchami
Nag Panchami rituals in North India
Nagapanchami Puja in South Indian States
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