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Chin up

Body Language


Chin up

Very similar to the 'head held high' signal. Holding the chin up naturally alters the angle of the head backwards, exposing the neck, which is a signal of strength, resilience and pride. A pronounced raised chin does other interesting things to the body too - it tends to lift the sternum , which draws in air, puffing out the chest, and it widens the shoulders. These combined effects make the person stand bigger. An exposed neck is also a sign of confidence. 'Chin up' is for these reasons a long-standing expression used to encourage someone to be brave.


Running hands through hair
Looking left sideways
Signs of Nervousness
Vigorous head nodding
Winking eye
Nose scratching
Both hands on ears
Head down in activities
Open Mouth
Hands in pockets
Head tilted to one side
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