body language

Body Language

1. Nose scratching
Nose-scratching while speaking is a warning sign, unless the person genuinely has an itchy nose. Often exhibited when recounting an event or incident.
2. Both hands on ears
Not surprisingly gestures involving hands covering the ears signify a reluctance to listen and/or to agree with what is being said or to the situation as a whole. The gesture is occasionally seen by a person doing the talking, in which case it tends to indicate that other views and opinions are not wanted or will be ignored.
3. Hand supporting chin or side of face
People who display this signal are commonly assessing or evaluating next actions, options, or reactions to something or someone. If the resting is heavier and more prolonged, and the gaze is unfocused or averted, then tiredness or boredom is a more likely cause.
4. Running hands through hair
Take your pick - running hands through the hair is commonly associated with flirting, and sometimes it is, although given different supporting signals, running hands through the hair can indicate exasperation or upset.
5. Hands in pockets
The obvious signal is one of inaction, and not being ready for action. Those who stand with hands in pockets - in situations where there is an expectation for people to be enthusiastic and ready for action - demonstrate apathy and lack of interest for the situation
6. thumbs down
Logically the opposite of thumbs up. Rightly or wrongly the thumbs up and down signals are associated with the gladiatorial contests of the ancient Roman arenas in which the presiding dignitary would signal the fate of the losing contestants.
7. Rubbing hands together
A signal - often a conscious gesture - of positive expectation, and often related to material or financial reward, or an enjoyable activity and outcome.
8. Thumps Up
In the Western world this signal is so commonly used and recognized it has become a language term in its own right: 'thumbs up' means approved. It's a very positive signal. Two hands is a bigger statement of the same meaning.
9. Signs of Nervousness
This is easier to interpret , following are the general sign of nervourness ; adjusting cuff, watchstrap, tie, holding a drink in front of body with both hands, touching or scratching shoulder using arm across body.
10. Hands Strong expressive part of body
Hands are expressive parts of the body, and because hands interact with other parts of the body. Hands contain many more nerve connections to the brain than most if not all other body parts. They are extremely expressive and flexible tools, so it is natural for hands to be used a lot in signalling.