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Medicinal Uses

Benefits of Star Apple


Medicinal Uses

The ripe fruit, because of its mucilaginous character, is eaten to sooth inflammation in laryngitis and pneumonia. It is given as a treatment for diabetes mellitus, and as a decoction is gargled to relieve angina. In Venezuela, the slightly unripe fruits are eaten to overcome intestinal disturbances. In excess, they cause constipation. A decoction of the rind, or of the leaves, is taken as a pectoral. A decoction of the tanninrich, astringent bark is drunk as a tonic and stimulant, and is taken to halt diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhages, and as a treatment for gonorrhea and catarrh of the bladder. The bitter, pulverized seed is taken as a tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. Cuban residents in Miami are known to seek the leaves in order to administer the decoction as a cancer remedy


Iron and mineral vital
Fruit helps lower cholesterol
Use of Star Apple as a snack
Protact in diabetes
Used to treat sore eyes
Availability of Star Apple in India
Star apple
Cure in ringworm and chicken pox
Contains 67 calories
Fruits of star apple
Star apple tree leaves
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