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Benefits of Star Anise



Anise is used to flavor Middle Eastern arak, Colombian aguardiente, French spirits absinthe, anisette and pastis, Greek ouzo, Bulgarian mastika, Macedonian, German J?germeister, Italian sambuca, Dutch Brokmopke, Portuguese, Peruvian and Spanish an?sado, Mexican Xtabent?n and Turkish rak?. In these liquors, it is clear, but on addition of water becomes cloudy, a phenomenon known as the ouzo effect. It is believed to be one of the secret ingredients in the French liqueur Chartreuse. It is also used in some root beers, such as Virgils in the United States.


Rich in Shikimic Acid
Cooking With Star Anise
Potential Side Effects of Anise
Antifungal Properties
Plant Description
Star anise is a powerful antimicrobial
Great source of minerals
Acts to improve hormone function in women
Eight segments
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