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Cancer Prevention

Benefits of Potatoes


Cancer Prevention

Certain types of potatoes, particularly red and russet potatoes, contain high levels offlavonoid antioxidantsand vitamin A like zeaxanthin and carotenes, they can protect you against many types of cancer. Also, research at the Agricultural Research service has shown that potatoes contain a compound called quercetin, which has been proven to have anticancer and antitumor properties. Finally, the high levels of vitamin A and C both have antioxidant qualities that can protect your body from the devastating effects of cancer.


Magnesium Phosphorus and Potassium
Natural Cleanser
Treatment of Wrinkles
Treatment of Rashes Itching Sensation and Insectand Pest Bite
Good source of magnesium
Potato for Dry Skin
Skin Care
Removal of Dark Circles
Promotes Healthy Hair
Cancer Prevention
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