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A Nutrient Dense Spice

Benefits of Oregano


A Nutrient Dense Spice

Our food ranking system qualified oregano as a good source of fiber. Fiber works in the body to bind to bile salts and cancer causing toxins in the colon and remove them from the body. This forces the body to break down cholesterol to make more bile salts. These are just some of the reasons that diets high in fiber have been shown to lower high cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of colon cancer.Oregano also emerged from our food ranking system as a bountiful source of many nutrients. It qualified within our system as an excellent source of vitamin K, a very good source of manganese, and a good source of iron and calcium.


Potent Anti Oxidant Activity
An Effective Anti Bacterial
Viral Attacks Herpes Hepatitis or Shingles
Go fresh
Stomach problems
Antibacterial Punch
Be careful
The Cure is in the Cupboard
Mexican Oregano
Selection and storage
Greek Oregano
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