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You can use it on your skin

Benefits of Oregano


You can use it on your skin

Oregano oil is helpful for skin conditions like cold sores, muscle aches, nail fungus, joint pain, and dandruff. Try diluting it with a carrier oil like jojoba, sweet almond, or grapeseed, at 10 to 12 drops oregano oil per ounce of carrier oil. However, don t use oregano oil on broken or sensitive skin, as it can be irritating. There is some anecdotal evidence suggestions that itmay be effective for treatment of psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, but no published research yet.


Chemical Components
Digestive Aid
Allergy Support
Vitamin Boost
Fight against antibiotic resistance
Natural health enthusiasts promote oregano oil
Culinary Uses
Mexican Oregano
Italian Oregano
Nail fungus
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