benefits of onions

Benefits of Onions

41. Use as food source
Onions are primarily used as a food source, in cooking as the start off ingredient in Indian and other Asian cooking, in making onion soups and chutneys, raw in salads and as pickles in vinega. Onions are a major source of polyphenols in general, and also of flavonoids (a very important subdivision of polyphenols). They can also vary greatly in their polyphenol and flavonoid content. In general, red onions are higher in total flavonoids than white onions, (with yellow onions falling somewhere in between).
42. Use in study
Used in microscopic demonstrations in the laboratory in colleges as the onion cells are quite large even under low magnification and hence easier for study of the cell. onions are very important for health. Onion is a daily must have which helps you stay away from many infections and diseases. If you are sick and you are looking for a quick heal medicine, then onions are your best option.
43. Use in Ayurveda and herbal therapy
Onions are being used for treatment of many ailments. onions are also surprisingly high in flavonoids. For example, on an ounce for ounce basis, onions rank in the top 10 of commonly eaten vegetables in their quercetin content. The flavonoid content of onions can vary widely, depending on the exact variety and growing conditions.
44. Yellow Onions
These are the sweetest in taste with golden coloured outer skins and pale yellow coloured innerflesh. They are the best for cooking. They are used in onion soups. Onions are loaded with many chemicals which keep you away from illness and also make you glow due to its detoxification properties. Below are a few well known health benefits of onions.
45. Red Onions
They are the most pungent of all the varieties having a red outer skin and red white inner flesh. They cannot be stored for a long time. They are used in salads and sandwiches in traditional cooking. Onions have anti biotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and carminative properties to help you stay away from infections. Onions are rich in sulphur, fibers, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C and they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium.
46. White Onions
They have white outer skins with the inner flesh too, being white. They are the mildest in flavour. They can be eaten raw or cooked. They are more used in Mexican cooking. Onion juice can cure burnt skin or an insect bite or a bee bite. It may burn more but it can heal it very effectively.
47. Green Onions or Spring Onions
The green onions normally available are basically immature onions. They are also eaten raw. Onions increases insulin in the body and also treats diabetes by controlling the sugar levels in the blood. Onions can improve digestive system. If you have digestion problem, then onions can cure it by increasing the release of digestion juices.
48. Nutritional Components Of Onions
Onions are rich in the strong sulphur containing compounds which are the primary cause of their strong smell and healing properties. They contain high levels of flavonoids particularly Quercetin which is also an anti oxidant. Onions are a good source of vitamins B6, C, biotin, K, folic acid, chromium, calcium and fiber.
49. Use in Insomnia
Drink juice of red onions whether they are raw, boiled or steamed. Take 4 tsp at night. the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in depth nutritional profile for Onions is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.
50. Use in Heat Stroke or Sunstroke
Apply onion juice to temples and chest and massage. Also drink onion juice. Eat raw onions daily with meals and keeping one in the pocket prevents sunstroke. If cutting onions irritates your eyes, there are a few tricks that you can employ. Use a very sharp knife and always cut the onions while standing; that way your eyes will be as far away as possible. Consider cutting onions by an open window. If cutting onions really makes you cry, consider wearing glasses or goggles. Chill the onions for an hour or so before cutting; this practice can slow down the onions metabolism and thereby lessen the rate of LF gas production. Cutting onions under cold, running water is a method that is often used to cut back on eye irritation, but its a method we view as a second best choice since some of the nutrients found in onion can be lost into the flow of water.