benefits of onions

Benefits of Onions

51. Use in Ear Problems
Putting 5 6 drops of warm onion juice in the ear gives relief from pain, pus and whistling sounds. Onions should be stored in a well ventilated space at room temperature, away from heat and bright light. With the exception of green onions, do not refrigerate onions. Place them in a wire hanging basket or a perforated bowl with a raised base so that air can circulate underneath. The length of storage varies with the type of onion. Those that are more pungent in flavor, such as yellow onions, should keep for about a month if stored properly.
52. Use in Baldness
Apply onion juice and massage on the bald areas regularly. It is reported to grow new hair and stop hair loss. The word onion comes from the Latin word unio, which means single, or one reflecting of the onion plant producing a single bulb, unlike its cousin, the garlic, that produces many small bulbs. The name also describes the onion bulb when cut down the middle; it is a union (also from unio) of many separate, concentrically arranged layers.
53. Use in Digestion Problems
Onion consumption increases appetite and helps in digesting food. It also improves the functioning of liver and spleen, removes accumulated wind and relieves pain and bloating of stomach.Onions have been revered throughout time not only for their culinary use, but also for their therapeutic properties. As early as the 6th century, onions were used as a medicine in India. While they were popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, they were oftentimes dressed with extra seasonings since many people did not find them spicy enough.
54. Use in Acidity
Mix 60 gms white onion cut in small pieces in 30 gms curd. Eat this 3 times daily for a week for relief. onions may bring a tear to your eye and a pungency to your breath they will also certainly bring delight to your taste buds. The onion, known scientifically as Allium cepa, is, on the surface, a humble brown, white or red, paper thin skinned bulb; yet, despite its plain looks, it has an intense flavor and is a beloved part of the cuisine of almost every region of the world.
55. Use in Dyspepsia
Cut red onion. Squeeze some lime juice on this and eat with meals for relief. the high sulfur content of onions may provide direct benefits to our connective tissue. Many of our connective tissue components require sulfur for their formation. For example, with the exception of hyaluronic acid, all glycosaminoglycans (GAGS) are sulfated. (GAGS are the premiere family of molecules found in the ground substance of our connective tissue.)
56. Use in Asthma
Crush onions and inhale the vapours for relief in cough, throat and respiratory diseases and lung affections. Onion has repeatedly been shown to lower our risk of several cancers, even when we consume it in only moderate amounts. Moderate generally means 1 2 times per week, even though in some studies it has been used to mean up to 5 6 times per week. Colorectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, and ovarian cancer are the cancer types for which risk is reduced along with moderate amounts of dietary onion. For other cancer types, however, moderate intake of onion has not been enough to show significant risk reduction. For these cancer types including esophageal cancer and cancers of the mouth daily intake of onion is required before research results show significant risk reduction.
57. To Protect Teeth
Eat raw onions. It kills harmful bacteria and stops bad breath. Several servings of onion each week are sufficient to statistically lower your risk of some types of cancer. For colorectal, laryngeal, and ovarian cancer, between 1 7 servings of onion has been shown to provide risk reduction. But for decreased risk of oral and esophageal cancer, youll need to consume one onion serving per day (approximately 1/2 cup).
58. To Protect Against Heart Failure
If one consumes a plateful of boiled or fried onion pieces in breakfast everyday, it helps in preventing heart attack. The onions prevent formation of blood clots in the coronary arteries. Onions range in size, color, and taste depending upon their variety. There are generally two types of large, globe shaped onions, classified as spring/summer or storage onions. The former class includes those that are grown in warm weather climates and have characteristic mild or sweet tastes.
59. Use for Snake Bite
Mix onion juice 15 ml with 15 ml mustard oil. make the person who is bitten drink this. This is one dose. Take 2 more doses like this , each after a gap of 30 minutes from the earlier dose. This removes the poison. onions are very important for health. Onion is a daily must have which helps you stay away from many infections and diseases. If you are sick and you are looking for a quick heal medicine, then onions are your best option.
60. In Cold and Cough
Eating raw onion relieves sneezing & running nose. 3 to 4 tsp of onion juice taken with honey in equal measure controls cold, cough & flu symptoms. onion has nevertheless been shown to help prevent bacterial infection. Along with its sulfur containing compounds, the flavonoid quercetin contained in onion helps provide these antibacterial benefits. Weve seen studies showing antibacterial activity of onion in relationship to the bacteria Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus.