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Cubed Mangoes

Benefits of Mangoes


Cubed Mangoes

You can place the cubed mango in a bowl and eat them with a spoon. Mango cubes also make a fantastic addition to fruit salads. To prevent the mango juice from overpowering the flavour of the salad, drain the mango chunks before adding them. You can make delicious mango salads along with other fruits like papaya, apples, cantaloupe, pineapples, pears, sliced cherries and oranges. Add a pinch of cinnamon or lime juice for extra flavour.


Fights And Prevents Cancer
Improves Eye Sight
Nutritional breakdown of mangoes
Beneficial for Anaemia
Good for Sensitive Skin
Improved Power
Mango enhances power urge
Treatment of Blackheads
Great Cleanser
Body scrub
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