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Quintessential Kiwi Research

Benefits of Kiwi Fruits


Quintessential Kiwi Research

The potential positive features of the kiwi fruit have conducted several studies involving children and adults. A study in Italy indicated that children had less trouble with wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing in the night when they consumed 57 servings of kiwi or citrus fruit a week. Asthma sufferers were found to derive the most benefit from the kiwi, even when eaten as few as 12 times a week. Adults can also benefit from eating the jeweltoned fruit! Another study demonstrated that eating 23 kiwi fruits a day can reduce the potential for blood clots and decrease triglycerides.


Treats respiratory disorders
Kiwifruit and Oxalates
No fat
How to Store
Vitamin E
Animal consumption
Kiwi berries
Heals skin wounds
Heart Health
Stomach ulcer
Mental fatigue
More ...

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