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Benefits of Durian



Different cultivars of durian often have distinct colours. D101 (right) has rich yellow flesh, clearly distinguishable from another variety (left). Over the centuries, numerous duriancultivars, propagated by vegetativeclones, have arisen in southeast Asia. They used to be grown with mixed results from seeds of trees bearing superior quality fruit, but now are propagated bylayering,marcotting, or more commonly, bygrafting, including bud, veneer, wedge, whip or Ugrafting onto seedlings of randomly selectedrootstocks. Different cultivars may be distinguished to some extent by variations in the fruit shape, such as the shape of the spines


Durians can cause weight gain
sweet and buttery taste
Assist in Avoiding bellyful Morning Sickness
Aids in delaying aging
Relaxes nerves and muscles Magnesium 18%
Durian fruit
Eating durians can boost your libibo
Improve Sleep
Helps maintain healthy bones Potassium 30%
Good source of vitamin C
Helps maintain a healthy thyroid Copper 25%
Durian is a seasonal fruit
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