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For your Mouth and Dental Care

Benefits of Black raisins


For your Mouth and Dental Care

Raisins contain Oleanolic acid which is one of the phytochemicals which is essential to keep your teeth safe from decay, cavities as well as brittle teeth. Raisins prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth to keep teeth in good shape. As they contain Calcium in good quantities, they also prevent the teeth from peeling away or breakage. Also the boron present in raisins is good for keeping germ build up in the mouth low.


Magnesium and Calcium
Fight against Bad Cholesterol
Fiber and Carbohydrates
Stay Away from Premature Aging
Helps reduce sexual weakness
The womb
Other Benefits
Raisins health benefits for Eyesight
Treats Infections
Black raisins and white raisins
The lungs
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