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Blackberry Native Habitat and Description

Benefits of Black berries


Blackberry Native Habitat and Description

Blackberry is a thorny shrub or vine, perennial, native to Eastern N. America from Nova Scotia to Ontario, New York, Virginia and North Carolina south. It is found in dry thickets, clearings and woodland margins, fence rows, open meadows, roadsides in and waste places. When the Blackberry flowers bloom in the wild it is a beautiful sight; hillsides and fields are covered with white flowers. The flowers are white, with five petals, and bloom in April and May. Blackberry plants have biennial stems; they produce a number of new stems from the perennial rootstock each year, these stems fruit in their second year and then die.


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Erect blackberries
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Fights Free Radicals
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Blackberries Fruits
Blackberry Native Habitat and Description
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LowCalorie Nutrition
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