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How Others See Leo



How Others See Leo

Leo ( Jul 23 - Aug 22 )
How Others See Leo :

You have a regal quality, a way of standing out in a crowd. The unique combination of the excitement you project, your sense of style, your way of speaking, and your laugh is what draws people to you. They're also seduced by the fact that you think big, which feeds their own fantasies of success and power. They're attracted to your energy and enthusiasm and your take-charge attitude. They assume you'll take a leadership position. But some people dislike what they consider your king-sized ego. They think you hog the spotlight and that you're performing even when you're perfectly serious and sincere; they question your sincerity. Others regard you as a showoff who merely talks a big game. And there are those who think you have the temperament of a demanding, spoiled child.


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