

51. Taurus Negative Side
Taurus ( Apr 20 - May 20 ) Negative Side :

Sometimes the Taurus man or woman is a bit too stubborn. He won’t listen to other points of view if his mind is set on something. To others, this can be quite annoying. The Taurean also does not like to be told what to do. He becomes rather angry if others think him not too bright. He does not like to be told he is wrong, even when he is. He dislikes being contradicted.
Some people who are born under this sign are very suspicious of others-even of those persons close to them. They find it difficult to trust people fully. They are often afraid of being deceived or taken advantage of. The Taurean often finds it difficult to forget or forgive. His love of material things sometimes makes him rather avaricious and petty.
52. Gemini Negative Side
Gemini ( May 21 - Jun 20 ) Negative Side :

Sometimes the Gemini person tries to do too many things at one time-and as a result, winds up finishing nothing. Some Geminians are easily distracted and find it rather difficult to concentrate on one thing for too long a time. Sometimes they give in to trifling fancies and find it rather boring to become too serious about anything. Some of them are never dependable, no matter what they promise.
Although the Gemini man or woman often appears to be well-versed on many subjects, this is sometimes just a veneer. His knowledge may be only superficial, but because he speaks so well he gives people the impression of erudition. Some Geminians are sharp-tongued and inconsiderate; they think only of themselves and their own pleasure.
53. Cancer Negative Side
Cancer ( Jun 21 - Jul 22 ) Negative Side :

Sometimes the Cancerian finds it rather hard to face life. It becomes too much for him. He can be a little timid and tiring, when things don’t go too well. When unfortunate things happen, he is apt to just shrug and say, ""Whatever will be will be."" He can be fatalistic to a fault. The uncultivated Cancerian is a bit lazy. He doesn’t have very much ambition. Anything that seems a bit difficult he’ll gladly leave to others. He may be lacking in initiative. Too sensitive, when he feels he’s been injured, he’ll crawl back into his shell and nurse his imaginary wounds. The Cancer woman often is given to crying when the smallest thing goes wrong.
Some Cancerians find it difficult to enjoy themselves in environments outside their homes. They make heavy demands on others, and need to be constantly reassured that they are loved.
54. Leo Negative Side
Leo ( Jul 23 - Aug 22 ) Negative Side :

Leo, however, does have his faults. At times, he can be just a bit too arrogant. He thinks that no one deserves a leadership position except him. Only he is capable of doing things well. His opinion of himself is often much too high. Because of his conceit, he is sometimes rather unpopular with a good many people. Some Leos are too materialistic; they can only think in terms of money and profit.
Some Leos enjoy lording it over others-at home or at their place of business. What is more, they feel they have the right to. Egocentric to an impossible degree, this sort if Leo cares little about how others think or feel. He can be rude and cutting.
55. Virgo Negative Side
Virgo ( Aug 23 - Sep 22 ) Negative Side :

Sometimes a Virgo person is too critical. He thinks that only he can do something the way it should be done. Whatever anyone else does is inferior. He can be rather annoying in the way he quibbles over insignificant details. In telling others how things should be done,, he can be rather tactless and mean.
Some Virgos seem rather emotionless and cool. They feel emotional involvement is beneath them. They are sometimes too tidy, too neat. With money they can be rather miserly. Some try to force their opinions and ideas on others.
56. Libra Negative Side
Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22 ) Negative Side :

Some people born under this sign tend to be rather insincere. So eager are they to achieve harmony in all relationships that they will even go as far as to lie. Many of them are escapists. They find facing the truth an ordeal and prefer living in a world of make-believe.
In a serious argument, some Librans give in rather easily even when they know they are right. Arguing, even about something they believe in, is too unsettling for some of them.
Librans sometimes care too much for material things. They enjoy possessions and luxuries. Some are vain and tend to be jealous.
57. Scorpio Negative Side
Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21 ) Negative Side :

The Scorpio person is sometimes hypersensitive. Often he imagines injury when there is none. He feels that others do not bother to recognize him for his true worth. Sometimes he is given to excessive boasting in order to compensate for what he feels is neglect.
The Scorpio person ca be rather proud and arrogant. They can be rather sly when they put their minds to it and they enjoy outwitting person or institutions noted for their cleverness.
Their tactics for getting what they want are sometimes devious and ruthless. They don’t care too much about what others may think. If they feel others have done them an injustice, they will do their best to seek revenge. The Scorpion often has a sudden, violent temper; and this person’s interest in sex is sometimes quite unbalanced or excessive.
58. Sagittarius Negative Side
Sagittarius ( Nov 22 - Dec 21 ) Negative Side :

Some Sagittarians are restless. They take foolish risks and seldom learn from the mistakes they make. They don’t have heads for money and are often mismanaging their finances. Some of them devote much of their time to gambling.
Some are too outspoken and tactless, always putting their feet in their mouths. They hurt others carelessly by being honest at the wrong time. Sometimes they make promises which they don’t keep. They don’t stick close enough to their plans and go from one failure to another. They are undisciplined and waste a lot of energy.
59. Capricorn Negative Side
Capricorn ( Dec 22 - Jan19 ) Negative Side :

Like everyone, the Capricornian, too, has his faults. At times, he can be over-critical of others. He expects others to live up to his own high standards. He thinks highly of himself and tends to look down on others.
His interest in material things may be exaggerated. The Capricorn man or woman thinks too much about getting on in the world and having something to show for it. He may even be a little greedy.
He sometimes thinks he knows what’s the best for everyone. He is too bossy. He is always trying to organize and correct others. He may be a little narrow in his thinking.
60. Aquarius Negative Side
Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 ) Negative Side :

The Aquarian may be too much of a dreamer. He makes plans but seldom carries them out. He is rather unrealistic. His imagination has a tendency to run away with him. Because many of his plans are impractical, he is always in some sort of a dither.
Others may not approve of him at all times because of his unconventional behavior. He may be a bit eccentric. Sometimes he is so busy with his own thoughts, that he loses touch with the realities of existence.
Some Aquarians feel they are more clever and intelligent than others. They seldom admit to their own faults, even when they are quite apparent. Some become rather fanatic in their views. Their criticism of others is sometimes destructive and negative.