

151. Virgo in Love
Virgo ( Aug 23 - Sep 22 )
Virgo in Love :

A natural state for Virgo in love is to analyze the situation while exploring it deeply. This will show off the Virgin as steady, solid and far from a flirt. Virgos are much more the true romantic; they love giving as well as receiving, passion and uninhibited joy. Virgos really know how to make their partner feel special, so some heat between the sheets is likely to occur! It's one lover at a time for the loyal Virgo, who reveres a relationship blessed with total honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes those born under this sign ideal lovers themselves. A Virgo in love is a sight to behold, a relaxed and confident soul.
152. Libra in Love
Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22 )
Libra in Love :

There is no doubt that Libras enjoy being in love and the sexy, shimmery sheen which this blessed state can bring. Love is a beautiful affair for the Scales, and as one who admires beauty in themselves and others and seeks pleasure, it's hard to imagine a better place to be. A Libran is a stylish conquest and can make the art of love a sensual state for both partners. Librans tend to prefer a lover stronger than them, perhaps one who can teach them about themselves and help make them a more evolved lover. It's all in keeping with the Scales' desire to appear fair and do what's best for everyone.
153. Scorpio in Love
Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21 )
Scorpio in Love :

The Scorpion is as clever in love as in life: Much of what's going on is a tactical game, one they are more than likely to win. Scorpios can be very sexy when in love, and that says a lot about members of this already sexy sign. When in love, the Scorpion can be intensely passionate, a rush of fluid feelings in keeping with this Water-born sign. Often, though, there is a push-pull in the dance of love, thanks to the Scorpion's many motivations. A lover who is willing to discover what's really beneath the surface will serve both the Scorpion and themselves very well.
154. Sagittarius in Love
Sagittarius ( Nov 22 - Dec 21 )
Sagittarius in Love :

Love is wonderful for many, but it's a bit of an enigma for the Archer. What, after all, is love? To libidinous Sagittarians, love is often sex, plain and simple. These straight-shooters want a partner who is a mental and physical equal, yet one who understands ""love"" on their terms. This means mutual independence and an ability for each partner to do, and be, exactly what they want. Love can be hard for the Archer, since a fear of intimacy often swirls around them. For this reason, a friendship first is often the best way to encourage a love relationship with these folk. If this can be achieved, it's splendor between the sheets.
155. Capricorn in Love
Capricorn ( Dec 22 - Jan19 )
Capricorn in Love :

The person out there wailing ""Is that all there is?"" a la Peggy Lee might well be a Capricorn, since love can at times be difficult for these folks. This measure of mistrust might well be attributed to a fear of losing oneself in affairs of the heart. The good news is that with the right one, the Sea Goat positively blooms in love, and is a loyal and devoted partner. When they give, their love is total. Not only that, it's also delicious for both, since Capricorns can easily engage in dreamy states where their lover's complete satisfaction is all that's on their mind. This can mean creating a beautiful home (although it's likely to be with their lover's money) or being the perfect partner at a party. Love is a blissful state for the Sea Goat, and one which they will work hard to keep.
156. Aquarius in Love
Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 )
Aquarius in Love :

The analytical Aquarian approaches the game of love slowly, methodically and deliberately. Playing the game of love is fun in and of itself and should not be rushed. While falling in love, the Water Bearer can fill myriad roles for a lover, thanks to their keen mental energy and boundless commitment to a good cause. Conversely, a lover who won't play along will meet an immovable object in righteous Aquarius. The greatest challenge in love for the Water Bearer is intimacy, the emotional and empathetic aspect of love. Without it, love is incomplete, so those born under this sign must find that space where they can feel and trust. If that is achieved, love with Aquarius can soar to the stratosphere.
157. Pisces in Love
Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 )
Pisces in Love :

As with so much of Pisces' life, if love can be a dreamy state of fantasies and play, a magical tour of mind, body and soul, all the better. These spiritual folk like to combine the real and surreal, so that love with the Fish becomes a creative hyper-state where almost anything is possible. Conservatives need not apply! There is an electric quality to the Fish that makes them almost magnetic in love, although their lover may not be sure just quite what it is that is so attractive. This mysterious quality that Pisceans possess can be quite the aphrodisiac in the game of love. The Fish is an empathetic sort and loves to serve their lover. These folks also love completely, for this sacred state is about the best that life on Earth can bring. Love can be scary for the Fish, but when it's right, it's likely to transcend all limits and reach a brave new world.
158. What Aries Needs
Aries ( Mar 21 - Apr 19 )
What Aries Needs :

Aries doesn't generally need hearts and flowers to give them a warm and fuzzy glow. What's far more important to members of this sign is to find a partner who is equally strong and selfpossessed and who will challenge them to greater heights, both mental and physical. The person who can draw them out and make them better is a keeper. It also helps if Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and master the art of making up. Sexual adventurers are also very attractive to the Ram, whether it's acrobatics between the sheets or the art of touching. There's no shortage of libido here!
The Aries lover is passionate, adventurous and energetic, loves romance and revels in the art of the chase. Those who can stand the heat will be rewarded with a loyal companion who will take them to greater heights. Life with Aries is never boring, so get ready for the ride of a lifetime!
159. What Taurus Needs
Taurus ( Apr 20 - May 20 )
What Taurus Needs :

The Bull craves someone who is strong and practical, qualities they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts also wins, since Taurus is responsive to both material goods and sincere, heartfelt compliments. Making Taurus feel safe is a very smart strategy for their lover, for this approach will bring out the Bull's most sensual self. Think of the Bull as a rose waiting to be picked -- the lucky one will inhale the most intoxicating perfume. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as irresistible aphrodisiacs for those born under this sign. The Taurus lover is dependable and considerate, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and have that special someone to share it with. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.
160. What Gemini Needs
Gemini ( May 21 - Jun 20 )
What Gemini Needs :

Someone who can roll with the punches and keep smiling in the face of a multi-faceted onslaught is priceless to the hyperactive Twins. It's an added plus if that person is smart, fun, a good friend and a great sport. Geminis need someone who can be attentive to them and who will naturally enjoy their sparkle and wit. They also prefer a strong partner who is not necessarily as smart as they are but who can pick them up, emotionally, when necessary. If the Twins can make a marvelous mental match, life will be a dream.
The Gemini lover is easygoing and caring, yet daring and a ball of fire at the right moments. Mental fireworks are high on their agenda, their own as well as those they can make with another. Only those with plenty of punch need apply for this celestial light show!