

181. Friendship Compatibility between Aries and Pisces
Aries and Pisces
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Aries and Pisces form a friendship, their relationship is often mutually beneficial. Aries is a strong Sign who follows impulses without worrying about the consequences. Pisces is quieter, one of the dreamers of the Zodiac. In many ways, they contrast and on the surface may seem an unlikely alliance. When they combine in a close, friendly way, though, they are each able to balance each other.
Aries is a leader and initiator, and in a friendship with Pisces often becomes the protector of their more gentle comrade. Pisces, in turn, gives Aries quiet understanding and relaxation from the pressures of Aries' hectic life. Pisces is a Sign that, like Water, fills whatever container it is poured into; they often understand Aries in a way that many other Signs don't. Aries' style of straightshooting combines with Pisces' gentle understanding of other people to form a confidence and assertiveness that doesn't pass into arrogance -- the way Aries alone might act -- and isn't overly accommodating, like Pisces alone may be.
Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars, and Pisces is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Pisces is also ruled by Neptune. Mars brings action and energy to the Aries-Pisces friendship. Neptune is about the big picture, ideas and illusions; but it's also involved with disillusion and fantasy. Aries can help Pisces bring dreams into reality. Jupiter works through Pisces by putting a softer face on Aries' sometimes rash and brash style, toning it down.
Aries is a Fire Sign, and Pisces is a Water Sign. Even though these two elements are opposite, they can combine to make a great team by using emotion and physical impetus to get things done. Pisces can help Aries relax a little and learn to be more passive in approach, while Aries teaches Pisces to go out into the world and begin to take the kinds of risks that make life more exciting. At times, Pisces can be emotionally draining for the Ram, too much Water dampening Aries' fiery enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Fire can boil the Water away and leave Pisces stressed-out. Aries and Pisces must cooperate to ensure their balance is maintained.
Aries is a Cardinal Sign, and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Unlike Aries, Pisces doesn't need to be the leader or the boss; when they are asked to help out with any of their Aries friend's ideas or plans, they're more than happy to lend a hand, as charitable as they are. Pisces receive their greatest joy from helping others. Aries, on the other hand, is the one who comes up with the ideas in the first place and assigns the roles to everyone else. Different aptitudes and interests help Aries and Pisces work toward a shared goal and and achieve a positive end.
The best aspect of the Aries-Pisces friendship is that they really have a lot to learn from each other. Pisces shows Aries how to empathize; Aries teaches Pisces how to make dreams happen rather than just thinking about them! The ability to each provide what the other needs makes theirs a truly reciprocal friendship.
182. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Taurus
Taurus and Taurus
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When two Taureans form a friendship, it's a very stable union. It can be secure and comfortable, and both friends like to indulge each others' whims. Taurus can respect their friend's desire for life's little luxuries, because they have the same need. Both are charming, graceful and dignified. At times, however, they can be stubborn and opinionated. It's important for them to learn to agree to disagree, recognizing that their friendship is too good to jeopardize with minor arguments.
Taureans are blessed with strong willpower and commitment. While they may get to know one another rather slowly, rarely rushing into a friendship, when they decide to go for it, they dedicate themselves fully. Because of this loyalty, the Taurus-Taurus pair may be more possessive of each other than most friends. Nothing is more upsetting to these two than unfaithfulness. Because both are so dedicated to the friendship, and because Taureans tend to be very reliable, betrayal is rare.
Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. When two people with Venus energy come together, it can be an instant affinity. Both are highly caring, and they never tire of friendly physical affection. Emotional security is very important to them, but when this is guaranteed these friends enjoy indulgence. Sometimes they may be lazy, becoming overly relaxed in the moment, but generally they work very hard to maintain the lifestyle of luxury that they prefer.
Taurus is an Earth Sign. They are quite literally the gardeners of the Zodiac, and when this combines with their mutual love of beauty they may share in creating and maintaining beautiful gardens and landscaping. Earth Signs are also about possessions, and the Taurus-Taurus friends usually surround themselves with beautiful things -- a lovely home, artwork, luxurious fabrics, expensive cars. Their desire to be financially secure and their love of luxury ensures that a pair of Taurus friends will share a great deal of ambition.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign. In a Taurus-Taurus combination, both friends tend to persevere when working toward their goals. If they have a plan, they'll stick to it until the desired end has been achieved. They usually share a distrust of change, preferring life to be stable and steady. Once they have made up their minds that the friendship is a good one, they will devote themselves to its health. If they have differing ideas, they may find themselves in a never-ending battle of wills. If they understand they're working together for a common goal, than anything will be possible for this pair.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Taurus friendship is their incredible loyalty to each other and their dedication to continuing friendship -- no matter how long they've known each other. This is a strong, stable and secure relationship. Their mutual love of comfort makes theirs a highly demonstrative and devoted friendship.
183. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Gemini
Taurus and Gemini
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Gemini form a friendship, they both need to give each other time to learn about the dynamic of their connection. Both friends have a great deal to give one another! Gemini's Symbol is the Twins, and this Sign can often be of two minds about things. If Taurus can let go and give one Twin the security it wants while allowing the other Twin its freedom, this can be a resilient and long-lasting friendship. Early on, Taurus may want too much for Gemini's taste, but, if Taurus is willing to wait awhile, Gemini will eventually settle into a dependable friendship that both will enjoy.
Taurus and Gemini have different approaches to life; Taurus is more sedate and practical, and Gemini is intellectual. It can be hard for Gemini to accept the down to earth approach of Taurus. It might be hard for Taurus to accept Gemini's flightiness and occasional lack of substance. Taurus can help Gemini to be more involved in life and to see the depth of ideas rather than simply the surface. Gemini can help Taurus add variety and fun, bringing new excitement into both lives.
Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, and Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury. Both of these Planets are close to the Sun, so they're always in the same neighborhood even though they are very different. Venus is physical; it's about romance and sensuality. Mercury is communication, and has both masculine and feminine energy -- Gemini will take on any form it chooses. Taurus doesn't need to be dazzled with Gemini's brilliance, but wants a dependable friend who is attuned to the more sensual aspects of life. Gemini has a more intellectual approach but is good at understanding other people. A Gemini is able to perceive and understand their Taurus friend's needs and create circumstances through which their friend is fulfilled.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Gemini is an Air Sign. Gemini makes decisions based on intellect, while Taurus is more practical. Taurus asks, 'how will this help me achieve my goals in life?' while Gemini simply finds what interests them at the moment without having a set plan in mind. Conflicts can arise in this friendship if Taurus is too possessive, or Gemini is too aloof or detached. Both need to learn they view the world in different ways. Taurus can be too set in their ways for Gemini's taste, but Gemini may be too unpredictable for their Taurus pal. As long as Taurus understands that, although Gemini may share their time and attention with many other friends, their friendship is still important to them, things will be fine! Gemini must use their flexibility to bend to their friend's will on occasion.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Gemini is a Mutable Sign. Taurus tends to be down-to-earth and focused on one project at a time, but Gemini likes to move from pastime to pastime as the feeling takes them. It's easy for Gemini to become interested in thing to which Taurus is devoted. In turn, Taurus needs to give Gemini the independence the Twins crave. Taurus can help Gemini's ideas produce something even if Gemini has moved on; Gemini can show Taurus that versatility is sometimes better than a fixed determination to do things one's own way.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Gemini friendship is the security the two can give each other once Taurus allows Gemini to offer that security freely. Both can learn to look at the world through new eyes when they open themselves to each other. As long as they communicate with one another, theirs will be a stable and happy friendship.
184. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Cancer
Taurus and Cancer
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Cancer form a friendship, it's generally a good combination. They are two positions apart within the Zodiac, and such Signs tend to have karmic ties and a good understanding of each other. These friends have a lot in common and both crave security: Taurus in a more material sense and Cancer in an emotional sense. They can nurture one another. The Taurus-Cancer friendship tends to be a happy one because they both enjoy the feelings of security and comfort. They enjoy a solid base, strong friendships, nice possessions, good food: all the comforts of a good, stable life. Their family lives are often idyllic, the kind that others strive for. They have strong ties between them and an friendship that is oriented toward a family dynamic rather than an exclusive, clique-ish aesthetic. Their only major problems arise when Taurus insists on getting their way, which can cause Cancer to sulk and pout in the corner. Taurus needs to understand Cancer's emotional sensitivity, and Cancer needs to be more open about their requirments instead of relying on passive aggressiveness.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Taurus has an open, honest nature that appeals to Cancer, who often keeps emotions and feelings inside. Cancer can possess intense feminine energy, and Taurus can help them learn to channel this energy into the ventures that could really pay off. The Moon controls tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life; so it goes that Cancer manipulates the setting while Taurus works more conspicuously on their plans. Cancer tends to be sentimental, and both tend to hang out together rather than socializing with groups of friends.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Cancer is a Water Sign. They form a compatible union, as both Water and Earth are tangible, physical entities. Cancer, as a Water Sign, is born to nurture and can assist an Earthy Taurus the way rain sustains the Earth. In turn, Taurus may have a more stable view of life, less prone to the emotional turmoil of Cancer. Taurus can help Cancer stabilize their tumultuous feelings and to learn to take criticism less personally. Too much of a good thing can turn to mud if these friends aren't careful. Taurus may tire of Cancer's mood swings, and Cancer may in turn feel that Taurus is insensitive. They need to learn the art of compromise.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Cancer is a Cardinal Sign. Taurus has Fixed habits, and they won't change an opinion once it's formed. This can provide Cancer with an emotional rock in a sometimes cruel world, as Taurus is entirely dedicated to the friendship. In turn, Cancer can bring new inspiration to the pair and initiate all kinds of plans that Taurus will enjoy taking over later. These Signs will get along well if Cancer can initiate ideas and Taurus can keep them going. The best aspect of the Taurus-Cancer friendship is how solid, steady and reliable they become when together. Both Signs are dependable and nurturing, strongly oriented to cooperation. A mutual love of security makes theirs a warm and ideal friendship.
185. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Leo
Taurus and Leo
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Leo form a friendship, they often become a sort of mutual admiration society. They understand each other's needs well. Taurus needs affection, to be loved and cherished, while Leo likes compliments and wants to be adored and admired. They are both strongly loyal and are often possessive of each other. Both friends are able to provide what the other needs because their desires are so similar.
Both the Taurus and the Leo friend like comfort and luxury, often doing things on a grand scale. They both enjoy status and possessions. Leo tends to be flamboyant, which Taurus will like -- Leo is bigger and better and grand, the very personification of status and luxury. Because both Signs are so determined, these friends really need to work to understand and accept each other. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth and light. Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is about love, beauty, and luxury; together this combination of masculine and feminine energy is why they admire and sustain each other. Interestingly, Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun so they belong near each other! The Sun represents life, and Venus represents love; as long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive one.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Leo is a Fire Sign. Both are ambitious -- but in different ways. Leo wants fame and fortune, while Taurus yearns for security and stability. Both Signs want to be the boss, and they may have a number of arguments over this bone of contention. Often they will fail to agree. As long as they reassure each other that their friendship is important to both of them, their conflicts can usually be resolved.
Taurus and Leo are both Fixed Signs. Both can be inflexible and fixed in opinion. Both tend to push on determinedly when working toward their goals. If they have a plan, it won't be discarded halfway through. They usually share a distrust of change, preferring life to be stable and steady. Once they have decided that the friendship is a true one, they will never be dissuaded from that knowledge and will be completely devoted to their connection. If they have differing ideas, they may find themselves in a never-ending tug-of-war. Taurus won't bend because they see it as allowing themselves to be pushed around, and Leo may see Taurus as being too stubborn. Taurus is more quietly determined than Leo, though, and they -- to a degree -- give in to avoid allout war when it seems practical to do so.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Leo friendship is their mutual admiration of one another. Both Signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will dominate the other -- no matter how hard they try! They are seen as compatible by others, and their mutual commitment to fulfilling their goals makes theirs a friendship of great teamwork.
186. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Virgo
Taurus and Virgo
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Virgo form a friendship, it's a union of innate practicality. Both signs are logical and down-to-earth, strongly disciplined and possessed of high standards. Taurus and Virgo are sincere and lovely to one another, and both have a great deal of integrity. They admire each other: Virgo likes Taurus' strength and dedication, and Taurus appreciates Virgo's quick mind. This is a friendship that may take time to develop, but it will get stronger over time. It's based on common sense and strong principles. These friends can be materialistic, as both individuals enjoy the little comforts in life, but they are a hardworking team. Difficulties can arise if Virgo is too critical for Taurus, who needs to understand that this is Virgo's nature, not a personal attack. Virgo might dislike Taurus' stubborn streak but can learn to be patient and understanding of Taurus' nature. Additionally, Virgo enjoys indulging Taurus -- the Virgo commitment to service combines well with Taurus' love of luxury, pleasing both partners.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Both of these Planets are close to the Sun, so they're always in the same general area even though they are very different. Venus is physical; it's about sensuality, both of which are important to Taurus. Mercury is communication, and it's androgynous -- Virgo will take on the form that it chooses. Virgo has a more intellectual approach, but is good at understanding other people. There won't be many arguments over whether either friend is loyal enough.
Taurus and Virgo are both Earth Signs. Earth Signs are about possessions, and the Taurus-Virgo friends usually surround themselves with beautiful things -- an opulent home, gorgeous artwork, and classy cars. Along with their desire to be financially secure, their love of luxury ensures that this couple will work hard. Additionally, they are a practical pair, and they rarely have problems caused by one partner's overspending.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Virgo is a Mutable Sign. While Taurus tends to be practical and focused on one project at a time, Virgo is also practical but likes to focus on more than one idea in a given time span. Because of natural curiosity, it's easy for Virgo to become interested in the projects that Taurus is devoted to. In turn, Taurus needs to give Virgo the choice to enjoy other things, too. Taurus can hold on to Virgo's ideas and make them produce something even if Virgo has moved on; in turn, Virgo can show Taurus that lateral thinking can sometimes be better than a Fixed approach.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Virgo friendship is their dedication to working towards the same goals. Both friends enjoy luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus achieve their goals. Their common interests and desires make theirs a highly compatible friendship.
187. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Libra
Taurus and Libra
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Libra form a friendship, it can be the unification of two halves of a whole. Both Signs are looking for security, and they share a refinement and love of art, poetry and culture. They can come together harmoniously because they are both trying to achieve the same thing. The friendship may start slowly, and on the surface they might have few common interests, but once they understand each other there is a lot of mutual respect and a realization that there is more in common than they may have first believed.
Taurus and Libra both appreciate physical resources, and they often enjoy collecting art and jewelry and patronizing the theater. Emotion and pleasure are important to both Signs, and they complement each other in many ways. Taurus appreciates Libra's charm and diplomacy, and their ability to smooth things over if Taurus doesn't get their way. Libra appreciates the Taurean love of beauty and the little luxuries that come with it. Additionally, Libra can help Taurus see the different sides of a situation, rather than making a decision without knowing all the facts. Conversely, Taurus can help Libra overcome their notorious indecision.
Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the Planet Venus. These friends share a love of beauty and luxury. Libra in particular is about balance, and both friends have charming personalities and a desire for harmony. Together they are able to bring other people culture and beauty unlike any other pair of friends. Also due to Venus' influence, both partners can be lazy, and they may be snobbish: Taurus based on possessions, and Libra based on intellect.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Libra is an Air Sign. Libra navigates life by pure intellectual exploration, while Taurus is more practical. Taurus asks, 'how will this help me achieve my goals in life?' while Libra simply focuses on intellectual stimuli, practical or not. At times, these friends may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from. Conflicts can arise in this friendship if Taurus seems too possessive or Libra seems too flirtatious and social. Both need to learn that they view the world in different ways.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. A Fixed Sign won't budge, and Libra needs to understand this stubborn tendency. With some gentle persuasion anything is possible. On the other hand, Libra's indecision may irritate Taurus. Libra is skilled at seeing all sides of a problem, so they are often able to accept Taurus' decision as long as Taurus avoids claiming that theirs is the only right way to solve a problem. If Libra can be the initiator of the duo, Taurus will keep the momentum going.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Libra friendship is their mutual appreciation of beauty and culture. Aesthetics are important to both friends, and they share of love of the finer things in life. Their similar tastes and loves makes theirs a harmonious friendship.
188. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Scorpio
Taurus and Scorpio
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Scorpio form a friendship, the result is two signs opposite one another in the Zodiac coming together -- a blending of two halves. Signs in polarity such as these often combine to make a whole, each friend's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. Signs in polarity often feel a strong pull to one another, and when they are together things can get extreme! Taurus and Scorpio have a great deal in common, but because they both bring such powerful personalities to this friendship, the tone often goes back and forth from enthusiasm to enthusiastic contention!
Taurus and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquiring possessions: Taurus wants material goods, and Scorpio wants power. Both of these signs are preoccupied with wealth and resources, including inheritances and taxes. They are both passionate about all aspects of life. They complement each other because Taurus is more about the self, while Scorpio is about the immediate group, including family. Additionally, Taurus is more direct whereas Scorpio is mysterious. Because of their differences, both signs can grow and learn from each other -- that is, if they can agree to compromise.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence, but it's a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. The two signs coming together form the basic foundation of human relationships -- Venus' love and Mars' passion. Venus and Mars go well together; Venus is about beauty, and Mars is about passion. Scorpio is intense, and Taurus is attracted to this intensity; in turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in Venus-ruled Taurus.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Scorpio is a very deep sign; it's an ocean, and too much upset will cause a tidal wave! Scorpio emotionally recedes and recedes, then suddenly roars back with a vengeance. Taurus and Scorpio are strongly loyal to each other, a product of their mutual need for emotional security. While Taurus is open, with everything laid bare on the surface, Scorpio is more focused on the undercurrents of life. Scorpio can show Taurus beyond the literal surface, while Taurus can teach Scorpio to speak more frankly. Additionally, Scorpio appreciates the Taurean practicality, and Taurus enjoys Scorpio's jealousy - - it proves they are appreciated.
Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed Signs. Once they have a common goal, nothing will get in the way. If the opinions of these friends differ, though, explosions may ensue! It often appears that Taurus dominates the pair, but that isn't always the case. Sometimes Scorpio won't even agree to disagree, although they might pretend to give in, later gaining revenge through emotional manipulation. It's important for these friends to discuss what is truly important to them so they can reach an equitable compromise. Once Scorpio learns to trust Taurus and understand the implications of a friendship"", the pair can achieve almost anything through sheer determination. The friendship will only fail if these two truly cannot overcome their opinionated, fixed sides. The best aspect of the Taurus-Scorpio friendship is their powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. When Scorpio realizes that Taurus is there for the long term -- and will not create the misery that some Scorpios attract to their lives -- this friendship can blossom. Their mutual determination makes theirs a bond of formidable strength.
189. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius
Taurus and Sagittarius
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Sagittarius form a friendship, they both need to give each other time to learn about the energy of the friendship. Both friends have a great deal to gain from knowing each other! While Sagittarius thrives on variety and novelty, Taurus is often content with security and tradition. Early in their association, Taurus may want more than Sagittarius is ready to give, but if Taurus is willing to be patient, Sagittarius will learn to appreciate the comforts of their friendship. Taurus and Sagittarius have different approaches to life; Taurus is more sedate and practical, and Sagittarius is the restless explorer. It can be hard for Sagittarius to accept the down-to-earth, fixed approach of Taurus. It might be difficult for Taurus to accept the Sagittarius restlessness. Taurus can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep them on track with their dreams and ambitions. Sagittarius can help Taurus add variety and fun, bringing new stimulation into each day.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Venus is about love, beauty and luxury. Jupiter is philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of beauty and expansion, masculine and feminine energy is why they admire and sustain one another.
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants space to move, while Taurus wishes for security and stability. Sagittarius initiates projects from pure feeling and impulse, while Taurus is more practical. Although each of these friends may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from, when they work together they make an excellent team because of their complementary approaches. They will not always be in accordance about every issue. As long as they reassure each other that the friendship is important to both of them, their conflicts can usually be resolved.
Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Taurus tends to be down-to-earth and focused on one project at a time, Sagittarius likes variety, and thus has different motivations. Sagittarius likes to move from project to project as the feeling takes them. If Sagittarius sees the benefit of Taurus' undertakings, then they will be more than willing to participate. In turn, Taurus needs to give Sagittarius the freedom to enjoy other things, too. Taurus can help Sagittarius realize their ideas and visions -- even if Sagittarius has moved on; Sagittarius can show Taurus that flexibility is sometimes better than a set path and a Fixed determination.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Sagittarius friendship is the new perspective they can give each other once each friend becomes familiar with the other's differences. They make a wonderful team once they open themselves to each other. As long as they communicate with one another and appreciate their differences, theirs will be a stable and happy friendship.
190. Friendship Compatibility between Taurus and Capricorn
Taurus and Capricorn
- Friendship Compatibility Profile :

When Taurus and Capricorn form a friendship, it's a practical, sensible combination of Earth Signs. Both are logical and down to earth, strongly disciplined, and both have high standards. Taurus appreciates Capricorn's dedication, and Capricorn admires their Taurus friend's strength. This friendship has a strong foundation based on material security and a realistic approach to life in general. Both are dependable and conservative. Taurus can help Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor. Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Venus is a warm, feminine energy, and Saturn a cold, masculine energy. Venus is physical; it's about romance and sensuality, both of which are important to Taurus. Saturn is about hard work and the discipline to achieve goals. Taurus will show Capricorn how to enjoy a well-deserved break every so often and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. Capricorn can teach Taurus to be more disciplined and to keep reaching out for what they desire.
Taurus and Capricorn are both Earth Signs, thus these friends enjoy indulging in material possessions. The Taurus-Capricorn friends love beautiful things -- a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars. Along with their appreciation for tangible comforts, their hardworking natures ensure that these two will both, in all likelihood, live very well. Additionally, they are a practical pair, and they rarely have problems caused by one friend's greed or overindulgence. Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign. Taurus has a quiet determination and won't change their mind once its made up. This can provide Capricorn with emotional security, as Taurus is entirely dedicated to the friendship. In turn, Capricorn can stimulate new ideas and start up endeavors that Taurus will enjoy taking over later. These Signs will get along well if Capricorn can initiate ideas and Taurus can keep them going.
The best aspect of the Taurus-Capricorn friendship is the similarity of their values and their dedication to the same goals. Both enjoy luxury and nice things and work very well together to realize their dreams and goals -- especially if it involves shared resources. Their mutual interests make theirs a highly compatible friendship.