

121. Pisces Friendship Profile
Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 ) Friendship Profile :

They may seem to be wandering about in their own little world sometimes, but Pisces is one of the most caring friends you'll ever have. This Water Sign has emotions to spare, so prepare yourself for long evenings of heart-to-heart talks with your Pisces pal. This friend will truly want to know the real you, and they'll probably be able to pick up on how you're feeling no matter what you tell them. They're a great friend when you're in need. If nothing else, they'll have an open ear for your troubles and a handy box of tissues for your tears. Watch out, though. Pisces can be easily manipulated, and their feelings can be hurt by the slightest misguided comment from a friend's mouth. What they need is for you, as their friend, to reassure them and help them past their insecurities. They will always be open with their emotions, so the biggest favor you can do for them is return that trust by revealing yourself. You'll never be bored with your creative Pisces buddy if you just keep an open mind and let them whisk you away into their world for a while.
122. Aries in Romance
Aries ( Mar 21 - Apr 19 )
Aries in Romance :

Aries loves the hunt and will do whatever it takes to get the prize they want. The question in their mind will often be whether it's a prize worth keeping. Aries will take risks during the chase and would love the object of their affections to do the same. That give-and-take can keep things more than interesting and going for quite some time. There is no doubt that Aries is seductive and will prove hard to resist. Sparks will fly in this competitive pas de deux, and it's all the better where the Ram is concerned. A mental attraction for impassioned Aries is often the first step and the indicator as to whether things will progress. If things work their way down -- watch out! Once hooked, Aries loves strokes and tender caresses and a lover who will tell them that they are the best.
123. Taurus in Romance
Taurus ( Apr 20 - May 20 )
Taurus in Romance :

Sweetness and light may be the best recipe for romance with the Bull. This is a sign oh-soresponsive to a wink, a smile and a tender touch; if all this comes along with roses and champagne, so much the better. Material pleasures are important to Taureans and they will create a den of delight sure to dazzle their lover. Seeing how important security and possessions are to Taurus, someone who provides these things will quickly make it to the top of their list. The reward? Undying loyalty and a kinship which is sure to please.
124. Gemini in Romance
Gemini ( May 21 - Jun 20 )
Gemini in Romance :

A love affair with a Gemini requires great stamina, so start doing those push-ups now! The Twins are both fun and funny and love to laugh, play and romp. They are possessed of a very active mind, which can sometimes lead to a short attention span. The best way to keep the Twins around, and aroused, is through mental stimulation. A razor-sharp and imaginative lover is a godsend to the terrific Twins. This sign also values adventure and travel, so a certain footloose and fancy free-ness will help this romance bloom. The duality of the Twins allows them to see both sides of an issue, so in times of stress, they are much likelier to be a lover than a fighter. They will also feel especially connected to those who can help them feel, since they spend so much of their time thinking.
125. Cancer in Romance
Cancer ( Jun 21 - Jul 22 )
Cancer in Romance :

Where the romance dance is concerned, the Crab enjoys being the initiator in the game of love. Gentle, tender probing can soon turn to heightened passion, and few will be able to resist Cancer's charms, which is just fine. Romance here often involves a beautifully prepared meal, since those born under this sign have an innate feel for the comforts of home and the joys they can bring. This love of physical and emotional well-being, which the Crab must have, is a duty which a partner must help to fulfill. If this isn't achieved, the Crab might retreat into its pesky shell. When Cancerians are in full flower, they can make their lover feel like the center of the universe, and might feel the same way themselves.
126. Leo in Romance
Leo ( Jul 23 - Aug 22 )
Leo in Romance :

Affairs of the heart will quickly take on a 'me first' quality with the Lion, since they truly believe they are the best and must come first. Leos love to feel good, as befits royalty, so they will respond exceptionally well to pampering and flourishes. While Leos love to be admired and adored, they can also take the lead in romance, since they believe their strength and power will win the day. When the Lion gets going, watch out! Passionate fireworks will fly, since these folks know how to turn on the charm, and the heat. Since all the world's a stage to the prancing, dancing Lion, fun, excitement and a little razzle-dazzle are all part of their repertoire. Leos are willing to gamble where romance and love are concerned, since losing is not in their vocabulary.
127. Virgo in Romance
Virgo ( Aug 23 - Sep 22 )
Virgo in Romance :

The well-toned Virgo often has a body which is the envy of many, thanks to a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. It's safe to say that a heady game of tennis followed by a leafy salad would be aphrodisiac enough for those born under this sign. Many encounters with Virgo will be a wellchoreographed ballet of excellent taste, seeing as how neat surroundings and stylish accoutrements are considered important to these folk. The level-headed Virgo is also a conciliator where romance is concerned, perhaps because being in love for them means falling hard. All that effort cannot be wasted. As a result, this perfectionist aims to please, and Virgo's lover will be one happy camper. Wise partners, though, will know that the Virgin also needs a place to call home.
128. Libra in Romance
Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22 )
Libra in Romance :

""Make love, not war"" is a phrase which must have been coined with a Libra in mind. Those born under this sign love to talk and find agreement with a partner, as opposed to angrier alternatives. Romance, for these folks, can often be a sexy tug-of-war, with Libra letting someone get close, but not too close. Courtship, where Libra is concerned, is a beautiful affair, as befits someone ruled by Venus -- the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure. Hearts and flowers are a must, and Libras showered with a sea of beautiful things are likely to be most receptive to amorous entreaties. While Libras can appear cool, calm, even aloof to a lover, they are incredibly playful and romantic once they relax. A lover who plays fair is a must for Libra; if not, subtle manipulations, despite the Scales' best effort, may surface.
129. Scorpio in Romance
Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21 )
Scorpio in Romance :

There's a hard-to-pin-down, magnetic quality which surrounds the Scorpion, an aura which says ""try me, if you dare!"" That's just what Scorpions want, someone fearless, who is willing to help create the ultimate romance, one which will take them to greater heights than ever before. When this works, the Scorpion's passions are unleashed with hurricane force. If, however, the romance zigs, zags and bouts of jealousy may be the unwelcome result. Ruling planets Mars and Pluto might prompt Scorpio to think that romance is a clash of wills, but a clever lover is the one who can bring this warrior to see that a pincer movement to the heart is the sweetest of all.
130. Sagittarius in Romance
Sagittarius ( Nov 22 - Dec 21 )
Sagittarius in Romance :

The game of love is a straight ahead affair for the Archer, one where the rules are laid down from the start. A good time is important to Sagittarians, so playful dates will be the right appetizer for this zesty lover. Those born under this sign are intuitive, and as a result, have a good sense of what and who they want. The one lucky enough to get in their sights is in for a wild time! Possibly the sexiest part of the game for the Archer is maintaining a sense of independence in the face of a blooming relationship -- there is nothing sexier for these folk. One possible exception might be honesty, which is often why a Sagittarian lover is also a best friend.