

301. Love Compatibility between Virgo and Sagittarius
Virgo and Sagittarius
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialize, while Virgo prefers to analyze Sag's discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius's taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn't always in the clouds.
Virgo and Sagittarius have unique approaches to life; Virgo is more practical and less distracted, while Sagittarius is the energetic explorer. It can be hard for Sagittarius to go along with the pragmatic realism of Virgo. Virgo may have a hard time accepting the Sagittarian energy. Virgo can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep them on track with their dreams and ambitions. Sagittarius can add variety and new excitement to Virgo's day.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mercury is about communication, and from Virgo's perspective, analyzing. Jupiter is philosophy, higher learning and travel. These two are about interpersonal communication and can sustain one another. Virgo and Sagittarius can amuse each other by discussing a film or a book in great depth, Virgo focusing on the particulars and Sagittarius commenting on the overall picture.
Virgo is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants freedom, while Virgo needs financial strength and domestic stability. Sagittarius is motivated by pure feeling, while Virgo is more of a thinker. As long as they reassure each other that their love for one another is solid and real, their discords can usually be resolved.
Virgo and Sagittarius are both Mutable Signs. They can be spread themselves out over many different tasks, if necessary. It's easy for these two to become interested in the things that the other does. Each has no trouble granting the other the freedom to enjoy things external to the relationship. They have a wonderful, complimentary style of interaction and have no trouble working together.
What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Sagittarius relationship? It's the security they can give one another once they discover their similar lifestyles. They make a wonderful couple once they can teach one another to look at the world through new eyes. As long as they communicate and appreciate what they can learn, theirs will be a stable and happy relationship.
302. Love Compatibility between Virgo and Capricorn
Virgo and Capricorn
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Virgo and Capricorn join together in a love match, theirs is a pragmatic, smart relationship. Both Signs are highly rational, and both expect a lot of themselves and others. Virgo adores Capricorn's dedication and intensity, while Capricorn admires Virgo's intuition and attention to detail. Together they form a solid union based firmly in reality.
This relationship has a strong foundation that is based on material security and a realistic approach to life in general. These Signs don't let their emotions or impulses take over and you can count on both. Virgo can help Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate all they have worked to attain. Capricorn can help Virgo achieve goals and makes dreams a reality through initiation. They live a very comfortable life together.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Mercury is a pragmatic, communicative energy and Saturn a cool energy. Mercury is about being communicative. Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals. Virgo will show Capricorn the virtues of hard work and assist in keeping the relationship, business or home front a well-oiled machine. Capricorn can teach Virgo discipline and the focus needed to achieve goals. Together this couple will share a life of domestic and romantic bliss.
Virgo and Capricorn are both Earth Signs. In addition to order and succinctness, Virgo-Capricorn partners usually surround themselves with tasteful and discriminating possessions. They would rather hold out for perfection than settle for an adequate substitute. Along with their desire to be financially secure, their love of fine things provokes this couple to put in long hours and a tremendous energy toward fulfilling their own and one another's dreams. Additionally, they are a sensible pair, and they rarely have problems caused by one partner's conspicuous consumption.
Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Capricorn is a Cardinal Sign. Virgo is easily adaptable to any situation and has no problem working with The Goat as long as they have a sufficient role in the project. Capricorn likes the fact that Virgo is entirely dedicated to the relationship. Capricorn can offer viewpoints to the relationship that Virgo never would have considered on their own. Capricorn will start new projects that Virgo will enjoy taking over later. This relationship will work out if Capricorn can initiate ideas and Virgo can continue them.
What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Capricorn relationship? It's their amazing dedication, and to similar goals. Both partners enjoy security and material objects, and work very well together to achieve their goals -- especially if the goal involves shared resources. Their mutual interests make theirs a highly pleasant relationship.
303. Love Compatibility between Virgo and Aquarius
Virgo and Aquarius
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Virgo and Aquarius join together in a love match, they bring out either the best or worst in one another. Virgo has a more rigid, theory-oriented approach to life. The poetic Aquarian approach, on the other hand, knows nothing of the scientific world. But these two lovers may actually thrive on their differences; they grow together as they learn about one another.
Aquarius tends to passionate and temperamental while Virgo operates more methodically, and with little fuss. Virgo is very organized and levelheaded. Aquarius is modern and finds routine unthinkable. Virgo will find Aquarius exciting but may become annoyed trying to probe this artist's mind. Aquarius will be upset by Aquarius's criticism, but will find the solid base Virgo provides very appealing.
Aquarius tends to passionate and temperamental while Virgo operates more methodically, and with little fuss. Virgo is very organized and levelheaded. Aquarius is modern and finds routine unthinkable. Virgo will find Aquarius exciting but may become annoyed trying to probe this artist's mind. Aquarius will be upset by Aquarius's criticism, but will find the solid base Virgo provides very appealing.
Virgo is an Earth Sign and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius moves through life seeking pure spiritual enlightenment, while Virgo is more intellectual. Virgos seek the 'how' and 'why' of a situation, while Aquarians simply focus on what tickles their fancy, practical or not, and usually ask 'what next?' At times each partner may find it difficult to understand the other's perspective. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if becomes obsessed with realizing the perfect relationship or Aquarius seems too aloof. Both partners must appreciate and respect one another's view of the world, and see that they have a lot to learn from their partner.
Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Aquarius can be unreasonable, opinionated and stubborn. Both partners are very passionate and intent when working toward their goals. Virgo adapts well to any social situation. Virgo is pleased to help Aquarius as long as their efforts are appreciated. Conflicts are rare, and are usually resolved by more Virgo's accommodating nature than by any concessions on Aquarius's part. If the two understand they're working together for a common goal, it's much easier for them to reach it. Virgo is more realistic than Aquarius will be more willing to budge to avoid a heated fight.
What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Aquarius relationship? It's that when they come together, their combined ambition drives them to do miraculous deeds. This relationship tends to be informative, enlightening and a pleasure to both participants.
304. Love Compatibility between Virgo and Pisces
Virgo and Pisces
- Love Compatibility Profile :

What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Libra relationship? It's their shared love of structure and art. Aesthetics are important to both partners, and they share a love of the finer things in life. Their similar tastes and loves make theirs a relationship of great balance.
Both Signs dote on and adore one another. They strive for a harmonious relationship and are very accepting and sympathetic people. Virgo can help Pisces fulfill dreams and ambitions and give them the tools they need to turn ideas into reality. Virgo will provide a solid, steady base for the more emotional and intuitive Fish. On the other hand, Pisces offers a gentle touch, kindness and an emotional depth that Virgo appreciates. Virgo is interested in material comforts and at times cannot understand the simplistic attitude of Pisces. Their life's aspirations can be very different. Once they can accept and overcome this difference, and learn to combine their energies, theirs will be a very rewarding relationship.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. When Mercury and Neptune come together a beautiful spiritual connection is made. Together, they represent an idealistic partnership. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter. This adds a yang energy to the combination and represents philosophy, expansion and excesses. This trio brings excellent communication, empathy, imagination and creativity to the relationship.
Virgo is an Earth Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. Generally the two are very compatible, as both Water and Earth are real, tangible things. Pisces, as a Water Sign, is born to connect humankind, and when they come together with Earth there is not a stronger natural bond. Virgo may have a more stable view of life than their partner. They can help their lover ground that poetic Pisces nature. But too much of a good thing can turn to mud if both partners aren't careful. Pisces's flightiness may annoy Virgo, and Pisces may in turn feel that Virgo is too scientific. But it will be easy for them to find a way to work around these disparities.
Virgo and Pisces are both Mutable Signs. Both like to move from one arena to another as the feeling takes them. They each are continuously inspired and assisted by one another, forming a cyclical ring of new ideas and a steady stream of excitement. Conflict rarely arises between them, and when it does it quickly resolves itself. Both partners have learned the fine art of compromise.
What's the best aspect of the Virgo-Pisces relationship? It's their complementary and harmonious attitude toward one another. The overall empathy and commitment these two Signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties strong and long lasting. Everyone will be envious of their devotion to one another, as well as to their friends and the community.
305. Love Compatibility between Libra and Libra
Libra and Libra
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When two Libras come together in a love affair, they form one of the most agreeable, romantic and well-balanced relationships around. Harmony and aesthetics are of utmost importance to Libra; two Libras together bring their magically balanced and beautiful touch to everything they do together. Libra is the Sign of Partnership; Libra loves to be in love, and two together spells relationship bliss. If they're just dating, they spend their time at romantic movies and coffee houses; if they're cohabiting, their house looks like an art gallery, full of the finest and loveliest of everything.
Libra wants everyone to love them -- sometimes to a fault. They abhor conflict, and if one arises they're apt to back down just to maintain the peace. It's not that they're insincere or that they don't care, it's that conflict makes them extremely uncomfortable. The Libra-Libra duo understands this about one another and it's rare that either one will push the other to compromise their shared sensibilities. Libra is most balanced while in a relationship, and each of them love having someone to admire and dote upon. They're happiest when they have someone with similar interests with whom to share their experiences.
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love). Two Libras together share a blissful, romantic relationship full of beauty, sensuality and utter pleasure. It's no wonder the two stay together! They spoil themselves and one another -- sometimes to a fault. Too many rich foods and too much laziness can be bad for their health. Those are pleasures that prove hard to resist; both enjoy reclining and munching on a stem of grapes like the Greek goddess herself!
Libra is an Air Sign. They prize their mental abilities almost above all else; they enjoy intellectualism and appreciate art, films and all sorts of cultural pursuits. Persuasive, courteous and diplomatic, Libras are the fair judges of the world. Two together can use their diplomacy to smooth over almost any potential conflict with honor and decency.
Libra is a Cardinal Sign, a quality that allows them to initiate new projects and motivate others. Two Libras can work very well together toward any project they set their mind to.
What's the best aspect of the Libra-Libra relationship? Their incredible sense of diplomacy, kindness and shared respect for one another. These two can make a lasting love connection due to their deep, mutual understanding of one another's loves and needs. Their commitment is likely to be great and solid.
306. Love Compatibility between Libra and Scorpio
Libra and Scorpio
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Libra and Scorpio come together in a love match, they tend to make a very emotionally connected and mutually satisfying union. Though Scorpio is a brooder who can get lost in the confusing welter of their own emotions, Libra's proclivity for balance and harmony helps keep Scorpio even. Scorpio can return the favor to Libra with their characteristic powers of focus, a trait that Libra usually lacks. These two are very compatible due to their similar needs in a love relationship: Libra is the Sign of Partnership, and Libra is happiest when in a well-balanced and intimate relationship, while Scorpio thrives on emotional and sexual intimacy with their mate. These two Signs can make a very loyal, close and satisfying partnership.
These two would do well to undertake some sort of project together aside from their love relationship, as they have great potential to get great things done. They combine the power of emotion with the power of intellect, an extremely formidable duo. Scorpio tends to be more patient, but is also more controlling than Libra. Despite any differences, both partners love risk and taking chances; this is not a boring relationship! These two are real charmers; they know how to woo and seduce one another and take great pleasure in doing so. Their different styles -- Scorpio is intense and secretive while Libra is upfront and open -- sometimes make them have trouble understanding one another, so they may need to pay close attention to their communication at times.
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Scorpio is dually ruled by the Planets Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power). Libra's love of beauty and romance balances the strife that can arise in Scorpio's life due to their deep, often tangled emotions. Scorpio's Mars influence at least promises an active, exciting relationship. Also, neither Sign wants to argue. Scorpio avoids arguments in favor of secret revenge; Libra abhors conflict and will do anything possible to avoid it, including backing down and seeking a truce.
Libra is an Air Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. The best decisions are made combining the intellect and the emotions -- using both the head and the heart, this couple can meet almost any challenge, understand almost any puzzle. This is all contingent, of course, on the two Signs working together, not against one another. Scorpio is a master strategist and can help Libra focus their occasionally scattered or indecisive minds. At times, however, Scorpio's over-emotionalism can drag down and dishearten Libra, and Libra can occasionally make Scorpio feel flustered and uncomfortably stirred up. It is at these times when Libra's natural diplomacy comes in most handy.
Libra is a Cardinal Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Libra is always thinking of something new to try: a new restaurant or art gallery to visit on a date or a new place to travel to -- but it's Scorpio who has the determination to follow through on these ideas. These two have the capability to be the most loyal and devoted of partners, as these are qualities that are quite important to each of them.
What's the best aspect of the Libra-Scorpio relationship? The power they find in unity. They can accomplish a lot, whether they come together for a cause in the business or romantic sphere. They are both winners and they won't give up, making theirs a relationship that takes care of business.
307. Love Compatibility between Libra and Sagittarius
Libra and Sagittarius
- Love Compatibility Profile :

The merging of Libra and Sagittarius can be paradise found for both Signs; this combination is a harmonious one, to say the least. Signs that are two positions apart in the Zodiac tend to have a very deep, special connection and understanding of one another. Sagittarius, the journeyer, is constantly in search of wisdom. Libra has a mind keen for art, beauty and aesthetics; Libra makes a stimulating companion for Sagittarius on their travels and adds much to Sagittarius's experience. The relationship always feels new because these two keep it exciting -- and yet their natural understanding of one another makes them feel like intimates from the beginning. Together they will reach new horizons in love and in life.
Libra and Sagittarius make great friends as well as lovers. They share a certain fresh-faced optimism in the world; they're both enthusiastic about finding truth and beauty in their experiences. Problems rarely occur. Occasionally Sagittarius may hurt sensitive Libra's feelings by speaking without thinking; conversely, Libra can sometimes be a bit too emotionally controlling for Sagittarius. Since Libra is a born diplomat who abhors conflict, they'll be able to smooth over any ruffled feathers. These two have the gift of forgiving and forgetting quickly.
Libra is ruled by Venus (Love) and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Luck and Philosophy). Venus's femininity and Jupiter's masculinity make these Signs compatible and balanced. Sagittarius is constantly on a quest for knowledge of the big things -- the truth, the meaning of life and death -- and whenever Libra comes up with a new idea (as they are wont to do) Sagittarius is eager to go along with their partner and become familiar with this new concept.
Libra is an Air Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. This partnership is full of kinetic energy. As air spreads fire and makes it grow exponentially, this relationship is heated and ardorous. Sagittarius thinks they're steering the rudder, but Libra controls the flow of events with a quieter hand. These two are energetic in the extreme and can run together far and wide. The relationship runs most smoothly when Sagittarius can feel they have plenty of freedom and independence within the relationship.
Libra is a Cardinal Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Libra is an initiator; they think up new ideas and new places to go -- but can change their minds at a moment's notice. Sagittarius is flexible and adaptable, amenable to any changes Libra wants to make in plans.
What's the best aspect of an Libra-Sagittarius relationship? Their mutual interest in cultivating knowledge and utilizing intellect. They are well-matched and will go far together, both emotionally and geographically!
308. Love Compatibility between Libra and Capricorn
Libra and Capricorn
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Libra and Capricorn come together in a love match, they can be a good couple -- if they can uncover their sometimes difficult to find similarities. On the surface, these two couldn't be more different: While Capricorn is quiet and unassuming, Libra tends to be a social butterfly, delighting in visiting with other people. Capricorn is concerned with hard work as a means toward career advancement and recognition; Libra is concerned with beauty, art and balance in life and relationships. This is not to say, however, that there is no meeting point for these two; if they are coming from a base of mutual love and respect, they can work to find their common ground.
When these two Signs work together on a project or a problem, it works best if they have pre-set roles to fulfill, as they both like to take charge. Once their expectations are defined, their approaches are once again quite different: Libra is pondering and intellectual, but Capricorn sees the value of doing things the hard way if it leads to certain success. Once the partners understand each other's style, their methods help them to achieve together what they could not achieve alone.
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Capricorn is ruled by Planet, while Saturn is cold, hard and masculine. These Planets don't have much in common so it's important for Libra and Capricorn to work through their differences. Venus encourages Libra to slow down to take in the beauty and romance life offers; this can come across as laziness to Capricorn, whose Saturn influence lends them that dogged determination to push forward against all odds and succeed at the goals they set for themselves. These two Planets can work at cross-purposes, creating antagonism, strife and repressed emotions unless Libra and Capricorn make a concerted effort to understand and accept one another's focus in life. Capricorn must take care not to discourage Libra from their natural enthusiasm and optimism, and Libra must put their natural diplomacy to use in order to maintain balance with Capricorn.
Libra is an Air Sign and Capricorn is an Earth Sign. Libra relies on their intellect in life; their sensibilities are attuned to aesthetics, a subject on which a true Libra always has lots of opinions. Capricorns rely on brain power as well, but of a different sort; they search for the pragmatic method in all they do, and may not feel they have time to dabble in aesthetics. If these two can learn to work as a team, they could form two sides of a coin, so to speak.
Libra and Capricorn are both Cardinal Signs. Both Signs are initiators, but they have such widely varying work ethics that they work better when they each have a particular, well-defined role. When it comes to conflict, Libra will be the first to back down, which will appease Capricorn (who likes to be right!). It's important for both partners to understand that compromise is they key to their success.
What's the best aspect of the Libra-Capricorn relationship? They each bring their own qualities to the relationship. Once they allow one another to be themselves -- rather than getting in one another's way -- they can blend well to make a whole. Theirs is a challenging relationship, but they can learn from each other if they maintain the effort.
309. Love Compatibility between Libra and Aquarius
Libra and Aquarius
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Libra and Aquarius join in a love match, their relationship can serve to heighten and strengthen both Signs' consciousness. These two connect on a high mental level; they share a love of art, people and culture; they both abhor restrictive influences in their lives. They are likely to get along well because they have such similar needs and will not require more of one another than they're both willing to give. Both Signs are also very energetic, enthusiastic types; this relationship is not likely to become stagnant.
Both Aquarius and Libra are concerned with the betterment of the world and their fellow people. Aquarius is the most progressive thinker of the Zodiac, and they always have a new idea in the works. Libra is the diplomat of the Zodiac; abhorring conflict of any sort, they are born balancers (hence their Symbol, the Scales). Libra's urge to avoid conflict put together with a love of intellectual freedom can lead them to be somewhat indecisive at times; when this happens, more decisive Aquarius can step in and help Libra figure out which direction to turn. Libra can return the favor by smoothing Aquarius's occasionally ruffled feathers that result from the Water Bearer's idealistic thinking sometimes crashing down in the face of reality.
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Uranus (Rebellion) and Saturn (Karma). This combination of influences can be an interesting and productive one; Libra and Aquarius should certainly take on other projects together than simply their love relationship, because they can make great things happen using their hearts, their urge for progress and their consciousness of the greater good. These two are an extraordinary duo for standing up for social justice or radical change in the community.
Both Libra and Aquarius are Air Signs. They have strong intellectual bonds to one another and constantly stimulate one another's ideas and communication styles and skills. Again, their ability to work together makes it obvious that these two Signs must take on larger projects in their life together -- they should concern themselves with the greater good. Libra can bring a certain balance to any undertaking that almost no other Sign is able to achieve. Aquarius and Libra together will also have many stimulating intellectual discussions about their interests and pursuits.
Libra is a Cardinal Sign and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Libra sets things into motion but may have trouble finishing them, which is what makes Aquarius's determined influence so positive: The Water Bearer has a great deal of follow-through and can take Libra's ideas and run with them to the end. These two work especially well together as they tend not to argue about who does what, who takes credit and who works behind the scenes versus out in the spotlight.
What's the best aspect of the Libra-Aquarius relationship? Their ability to work together as a team. Together they can learn much more than either Sign would alone. Their accomplishments and love of socializing and new projects make theirs a highly successful relationship.
310. Love Compatibility between Libra and Pisces
Libra and Pisces
- Love Compatibility Profile :

When Libra and Pisces come together in a love affair, theirs is a congenial and even-tempered romance. These two Signs are very compatible, making for a truly smooth-sailing love affair. Both Signs are attuned to life's aesthetic side, but they also have much to offer one another: When Pisces gets lost in a fantasy, Libra can apply that Libran proclivity for balance to help get Pisces back on track, and Pisces can return the favor by helping Libra see the beauty in love and empathy. This is an honest partnership that values truth and harmony in itself and in the world.
Libra and Pisces make great friends as well as lovers. They understand one another: Both can be indecisive and tend to work in multiple directions at once. Problems between these two are rare, but Libra can at times be too mentally manipulating for Pisces. Sometimes they can also stop mid-action due to both of their indecisive natures; if these two work on a project together -- either their love relationship or something else -- it can be difficult to get it to move forward. If these two do have an argument, they do tend to forgive and forget quickly: Libra abhors conflict and will do almost anything to avoid it, and Pisces possesses great empathy and can forgive out of understanding for their partner's position.
Libra is ruled by Venus (Love) and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (Luck) and Neptune (Illusions). These Signs are quite compatible due to the feminine energies of Venus and Neptune working in tandem. Under Jupiter and Neptune's rule, Pisces is intensely meditative, philosophical and internal. Under Venus's influence, Libra is in love with love. Libra is the Sign of Partnership and always is more comfortable when in an intimate love affair.
Libra is an Air Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. These two Signs together combine their heads and their hearts to solve all problems -- a winning combination. The best decisions are made with both the emotions and the intellect; this relationship tends to be extremely flexible and progressive. When problems occur, however, the communication breaks down between Libra and Pisces. Libra, who can at times be mentally manipulative, may give Pisces ""the silent treatment."" In this partnership there's always an undercurrent of friction but neither partner will ever truly be the leader. Although they may disagree often, their differences of opinion don't last long. Their only real trouble may result from their tendency to slow down to the point of stopping when they get together.
Libra is a Cardinal Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Libra comes up with new ideas and starts new projects and Pisces is happy to go along with them, taking any role ""assigned"" them. If these two take on a project other than their love relationship, they will work well together; both are outwardly modest, and Libra likes a bit of recognition while Pisces doesn't mind the passenger's seat. Also, if Libra generates a new idea but then suddenly loses interest (as sometimes happens), Pisces doesn't mind switching directions as well.
What's the best aspect of a Libra-Pisces relationship? Their mutual interest in helping individuals and the world around them. They are well-matched in their enthusiasm, energy and desire for a sincere relationship.