

101. Cancer Romantic Profile
Cancer ( Jun 21 - Jul 22 ) Romantic Profile :

Home is where the heart is for Cancer, a great nurturer and protector of family, home and tradition. This sign is ruled by the Moon, and the Crab's emotions often swing with the cycle of that shimmering orb. Catch that mood on an upswing, and you are likely to encounter a caring and devoted soul who can easily take the lead in romance. The strong-willed, persistent Crab will usually get its way, but that's not a bad thing, since it usually means being drawn into a shell, which is rife with carnal pleasures. As is natural to a Water sign, Cancer's moods can flow like a meandering river or rage like the highest seas. Either way, the Crab rewards brave sailors with a seductive nest in which to test many moods, feelings and emotions. Scarlett O'Hara, that great protector of Tara, must've been a Crab!
102. Leo Romantic Profile
Leo ( Jul 23 - Aug 22 ) Romantic Profile :

The creative and romantic Lion rules the Zodiac's House of Pleasure, insuring that any romp with this cat will include sensory as well as sensual delights. The playful Lion loves fun and is a supremely social animal. If Leos can act out their fantasies on a public (even private) stage, all the better, for those born under this sign truly believe they're the star. As befits the King/Queen of the Zodiac, Leos are leaders. Their powerful presence, as well as staying power, insures them success in their conquests. Romance is also a princely quality for the Lion, and those who ensnare this passionate animal may well be rewarded with a wonderful and inventive lover. Like the ruling Sun, which is at the center of the universe, Leos love to have the world revolve around them.
103. Virgo Romantic Profile
Virgo ( Aug 23 - Sep 22 ) Romantic Profile :

As the Sign of Service, one of Virgo's favorite roles is to be of help to friends and lovers. The industrious, efficient and well-organized Virgo will rarely have trouble pulling this off, and a banquet at their hands will mean an evening of delectable treats. Ruling Planet Mercury symbolizes Communication; Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. Virgo can, at times, be shy and a bit repressed, so someone who can bring them out of these depths will be rewarded with a vibrant lover. Concerned with health as they are, a doctor-nurse fantasy is the max for this Sign!
104. Libra Romantic Profile
Libra ( Sep 23 - Oct 22 ) Romantic Profile :

Libra, as befits the sign of the Scales, reveres balance and harmony above all. If this can be achieved with a partner, even better, for Libra rules the House of Partnerships and revels in things that come in twos. The Scales are sociable and shine in social situations, where their gift of communication is an attraction to many. Librans also want to be liked, even loved, by those who cross their path, and it can be very hard to resist the Scales when they are at their most charming and magnetic selves. It's not unusual for Librans to possess an easy grace and sense of style and move languidly throughout a room. Behind that pretty facade is a smart, often smoldering soul who knows how to get what they want, and would love nothing more than to do so fairly and justly. When the Scales find the partner they've been searching for, it could be a match made in hot heaven.
105. Scorpio Romantic Profile
Scorpio ( Oct 23 - Nov 21 ) Romantic Profile :

Ruling the House of Sex can either be a blessing or a curse, and a lot depends on how the wily Scorpion deals with this erotic burden. Those mystical and magical creatures born under the sign of Scorpio are quick to channel their raw energy, power and strength into an exploration of their lover's emotions and sexuality. The Scorpion is intuitive and wants to get to the bottom of things, so there's no keeping secrets from this sexy Sign (although they'll surely keep a few of their own). An alluring resourcefulness and self-confidence is also evident in Scorpios, these folks being keenly attuned to what's best for them and how to get it. Anyone willing to take on the Scorpion will be engaging a cosmic power with plentiful sexual urges. The good news? A caring and devoted lover awaits. On the flip side, don't cross them, because those stingers can leave a heck of a welt.
106. Sagittarius Romantic Profile
Sagittarius ( Nov 22 - Dec 21 ) Romantic Profile :

The sign of the Archer rules the House of Philosophy, something which speaks volumes about these inquisitive, knowledge-seeking souls. Sagittarians are truth seekers, focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply. Truth be told, the Archer wants to explore everything deeply, so conversations in bed can run the gamut from religion to politics, and which position is most comfortable. These versatile and charming folks enjoy taking a long drink from the cup of life, something which also makes them exceedingly flirtatious and great social animals. Sagittarian candor is only matched by the need for independence, a guileless raison d'etre which can be an aphrodisiac to many. The Archer loves a challenge, just the kind of thing which spices up their already hot love life.
107. Capricorn Romantic Profile
Capricorn ( Dec 22 - Jan19 ) Romantic Profile :

The worker bees of the Zodiac are Capricorns, an ambitious and determined lot who are willing to do what it takes to get what they want. It sounds like this work could be fun where love is concerned, especially if the payoff is silky sweet. Much like the Sea Goat, which symbolizes the members of this Sign, Capricorn is forever climbing and reaching for greater heights. Where a lover is concerned, the crescendo of dating, romance and mating can be electric, indeed. The Sea Goat is also organized and happy to craft a beautiful romance for that special someone. Social status is also important to Capricorn, so it's more than likely that the mating game will involve a healthy dose of glamour and dazzle. The one who wins their heart will be powerful in both the boardroom and the bedroom. Yes, power is a strong aphrodisiac for the sleek Sea Goat, and in return, their lover will get a most devoted and grateful partner.
108. Aquarius Romantic Profile
Aquarius ( Jan 20 - Feb 18 ) Romantic Profile :

The Age of Aquarius and the futuristic explorations it brings to mind are very much in synch with those of people born under this sign. The Water Bearer is a visionary, caring and giving lover who sees the beauty in friendship and the mutual attainment of shared ideals. These independent souls are a fount of ideas, forever dazzling friends and other groups with their quicksilver mind and humanitarian spirit. Mental fireworks are the sexiest kind for the oft-overflowing Water Bearer, and they are captivated by a lover who shares their quest for a better world. An intuitive partner who is willing to look outside the box in the hopes of becoming a more complete being will win an Aquarian's heart straightaway. The Water Bearer is a flirtatious charmer who is at home with many but also appreciates the pleasures created by two.
109. Pisces Romantic Profile
Pisces ( Feb 19 - Mar 20 ) Romantic Profile :

The sign of the Fish rules the House of the Unconscious, which says a lot about the world that Pisceans live in. A dreamy state is very attractive to these folks, one where some delicious secrets are hidden from their lover, only to be sprung upon them at the right moment. The Fish enjoys alternating between conscious and unconscious states, the better to develop a romance in their vivid minds. When it's back to earth, Pisceans are selfless and intuitive and love to serve their lover. Showering a partner with exquisite fantasies and other sweet things becomes a blissful state for both. The emotions of the Fish run deep and can be rather erotic if their lover knows how to release them. Those born under this Water sign can flow like a river and have a sensitive and spiritual nature, which can be quite alluring.
110. Aries Friendship Profile
Aries ( Mar 21 - Apr 19 ) Friendship Profile :

As fire can be a fleeting thing, so can be the friendship of a Ram. If you want to call an Aries up for a night on the town, you'll have an exciting companion for the evening -- but don't try to make plans for next week. This Sign needs variety in their friendships. If one group of people can't keep up with their constantly changing interests, they'll move on to new friends. Not that they ever lack for companionship: The Ram is well liked for their edge, so making new friends is never a big problem. Friends are nice, but not exactly necessary for independent Aries, who doesn't need a big group to have fun. When they are in one, though, their competitive nature is liable to get the better of them. Don't try to borrow even a cup of sugar from this one. Ruled by the First House of Self, selfishness can sometimes take the upper hand when it's a choice between people and possessions. On the other hand, the Ram can be very warm toward their friends. As long as Aries feels that they are the number one friend in your life, you can count on having an exciting, albeit brief, whirlwind of fun.