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Abraham Lincoln



Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of Americas greatest heroes due to both his incredible impact on the nation and his unique appeal. His is a remarkable story of the rise from humble beginnings to achieve the highest office in the land; then, a sudden and tragic death at a time when his country needed him most to complete the great task remaining before the nation. Lincolns distinctively human and humane personality and historical role as savior of the Union and emancipator of the slaves creates a legacy that endures. His eloquence of democracy and his insistence that the Union was worth saving embody the ideals of self government that all nations strive to achieve.


Historical Significance
Growing Up
The Issue of Slavery 1858 Lincoln Douglas Debates
Reelection in 1864
The Civil War Ends
Career Before the Presidency
Elected President
A Constitutional Moral or Local Issue
Political Motives
Political Ambitions
Civil War
More ...

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