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Before He Became President

Abraham Lincoln


Before He Became President

Lincoln served on the Illinois State Legislature for several terms. During that time he studied the law and began to work as a lawyer. He ran for the U.S. Congress in 1845. He won the election and served as a congressman for one term. After serving as congressman he continued to work as a lawyer. Later, Lincoln ran for the U.S. Senate, he did not win but he did gain national recognition for his arguments against slavery during the debates.In 1860, Lincoln ran for President of the United States. He was a member of the fairly new Republican party which strongly opposed allowing any of the southern states to secede (leave the country). The republicans were also against slavery. They said they would allow for slavery to continue in the southern states, but that it would not be allowed to spread to new U.S. states or territories.


Civil War
Taking Political Risks
The Issue of Slavery 1858 Lincoln Douglas Debates
Law Career
The Civil War Ends
Historical Significance
Growing Up
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Abraham Lincolns Military Career
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