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Work to Your Strengths

Success Tips For Students


Work to Your Strengths

Research has shown that people who use their natural talents and gifts are happier and more successful than people who are trying to overcome a weakness. For example, if you are a math wizard, but hate writing essays, a career in journalism might be a stretch for your skill set. It sounds like a no brainer, but youd be surprised how often students let other people in their life (parents, spouses, friends, family members) unduly influence their career choice. Remember, its your life and youll be the one living with the positive and negative consequences of your decision. Havent identified your strengths yet? Visit the career center at your college for a variety of services at no charge. In addition, visit our Student Success Tools page.


Utilize Campus Career Resources
Take Care of Themselves
Dont cram for exams
Are responsible and active
Have educational goals
Successful Students Prioritize
Plan specific times for studying
Work to Your Strengths
Take responsibility
Know your strengths
Ask questions
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