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Myth about Anger



Sometimes anger is definitely justified. For example, if you have been betrayed by a friend, or if you have been physically attacked by someone, or if there is a major social injustice these are all times where anger is appropriate. Biologically speaking, anger gets your adrenalin going, and spurs you into action. On the other hand, the hissy fits that people throw over minor irritations are both unhealthy and destructive. Anger has serious implications for your health. Research shows that among all the risk factors for heart disease, chronic anger is the most significant predictor more than smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. Temper tantrums and other fits of anger are rarely useful. In fact, they erode not only people s respect for you, but also your own self respect.


Anger is inherited
Venting anger is always desirable
Conflict frustration and anger cause violence
Anger is good
Domestic violence happens only in low income families
Isolated occurrence due to anger or stress
Anger automatically leads to aggression
Domestic violence is not really that serious
Learning to control my anger means I have to hold it in
Anger and Disappointment
People with anger problems speak and act before they think
Frustration always leads to aggression
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