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Honey badgers emit smelly suffocating secretions from their anal glands to fumigate hives so bees leave their honey for them

Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know


Honey badgers emit smelly suffocating secretions from their anal glands to fumigate hives so bees leave their honey for them

If they had mobile phones they could simply make a call


Bees dont generally die when they sting
It takes 8 bees all their life to make one single teaspoon full of honey
Changing queen bees will change the personality and behavior of a bee colony
Bees dont hibernate in the winter
During the 1400s
To produce a single jar of honey
Bees normally buzz in the key of A
Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know
Honeybees can recognize individual human faces
Bees can be trained to detect bombs
Once the Queen is deemed unfit to serve
You can send live bees to people using the United States Postal Service
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