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Other benefits of Tamarillo

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Other benefits of Tamarillo

With its Vitamin C content, it can offer benefits in treating colds, sore throats and other respiratory disorders. It help in improving immunity of body and protects from various infections. Tamarillo can replace tomato in almost any recipe. Use peeled tamarillos for tomato sauce, salsas, curries; baked or grilled like vegetables. A tamarillo salad can be made by marinating the fruit in a vinaigrette for about 2 hours. This fruit is a great accompaniment for fish, meat, poultry and pairs well with creamy sauces. For dessert it is often poached, pureed and used to flavor ice cream, sorbet or yogurt. Tamarillo has a high pectin content and makes good jam or chutney.


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