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Benefits of Amla Powder for Skin

Benefits of Gooseberry


Benefits of Amla Powder for Skin

Amla works great for your skin as well. Amla paste is an excellent exfoliating, anti oxidant, anti bacterial astringent scrub for your face. Amla has high levels of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) which break up the top layer of dead skin. As a facial, it can tighten and tone the skin and balance redness. Amla is a wonderful exfoliant as it has natural astringent properties which help to remove dead skin cells without the chemicals of commercial products.


Ways to Eat Gooseberry
Preservation of Amla Juice
Lightens the Complexion
Amla and Turmeric
How to Make an Amla Facial Scrub at home
European Types
Other Benefits
Fresh amla pack
Dried Gooseberry Benefits
Beneficial for the reproductive systems
Increases the metabolism
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