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Zoo Car

Weird cars in the world


Zoo Car

Most of us have very usual cars – maybe an old VW, or a red fancy Ferrari. Our roads are full of those, but they rarely catch our attention. While VW can mean, that you have some financial problems, Ferrari shows that you are a rich lucky bastard. But in the end, you still get lost in the ocean of similar cars. However, if you really want to stand out of the crowd, and show not only your financial status, but also your personality – what you need is something that cannot be found in any auto store. Something crazy, strange and absolutely unique. To give you some hints, we collected these 50 Weirdest and Most Unusual Cars Ever Made. Enjoy, share and don’t forget to tell us which is your favorite one!


House Car
Tubular Car
Mouse Car
Octopus Car
Shoe Car
Sphinx Car
Alien Car
Another Weird Car
UFO car
Ugly Monster Car
Fly Car
Star Car
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