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Henry Blofeld

Top Cricket Commentators


Henry Blofeld

Probably one of the most loved cricket commentators of modern times, Henry Blofeld had a long and successful career as a cricket commentator. An unfortunate accident in his youth cut short his promising career as a cricket player, but it did not deter him from picking up the microphone.Henry Blofeld worked with BBC Radio for many years and it was during this time that he achieved immense popularity. Though he was known to make many mistakes, mixing up players names, and was at times at loss of words, he was very famous. The listeners particularly liked his references to objects like birds, trains, airplanes and helicopters anything that flew overhead or passed by. In 2003, Henry Blofeld was awarded the OBE for his services to broadcasting. It was a much deserving honor for the man who, with his commentary, succeeded in making a special place for himself in the heart of every listener. offers information on Henry Blofeld and other famous cricket commentators.


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