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South of the Border

Top American Roadside Attractions


South of the Border

What do you call a 97 foot tall statue of a mustachioed Mexican wearing a sombrero? (Besides probably a little culturally insensitive, of course.) In South Carolina, thats just Pedro, the mascot of the famous South Of The Border rest stop. The complex was the dream project of one Alan Schafer, who in the 1950s realized the business opportunities available to any establishment with a liquor license across the border from North Carolinas dry counties. As his business expanded from a simple beer stand to include a restaurant and motel, Schafer began to give South Of The Border a Mexican theme, importing souveniers and some workers from south of the (more famous) border. Today, the 135 acre complex features restaurants, hotels, an amusement park and the 200 foot Sombrero Tower, which locals call The Eiffel Tower of the South, tongue firmly planted in cheek.


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