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Quiz yourself

Tips to succeed in Exams


Quiz yourself

Once you feel you understand a concept or a topic, it is important to test yourself on it. Try and replicate exam conditions as much as possible turn your phone off, dont talk, time yourself etc. You can set yourself a study quiz or practice exam questions and, so long as you approach it with the right mindset, you can get a very good idea of how much you know. You gain a greater insight into where you stand in relation to what youve studied so far. Also, it will give you some much need exam preparation, making the actual exam a more comfortable experience. Flashcards are ideal for boosting your memory and help you recall theory, definitions and key dates these are great for quick study sessions, especially straight before an exam.


Work with concentration
Before the Final Exam
Trust yourself and your memory
Organise your time
Dont be afraid to ask study questions
Reward Yourself
Surround yourself with learning
Change your study environment
Build Interest
Question Requirements
Develop a study plan
Plan you Answers
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