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Become Familiar with not fluent in the Language

Tips to get ready for Foreign Trip


Become Familiar with not fluent in the Language

Beyond just being a form of communication, language is an important component of any culture. Put yourself in the mind of a four year old and learn your verbal manners in a foreign tongue by memorizing how to say these six phrases: Please, thank you, yes sir, no sir, hello, and goodbye. Perhaps order some CDs of local music in your favorite genres. A few language learning CDs are fine, but do not feel the need to go overboard! I have seen it time and time again, where overachievers learn to say more than a few things so well that they fool the natives into thinking that they also understand everything! This is a prime example of how a little knowledge can be dangerous!


Stockpile samples
Get a passport and anything is possible
Getting Around a Sleeping Neighbor
Dress for the destination
Find out the international exchange rate by searching for currency converters online
Get to your gateway city as early as you can
Phone Home
Your most important safety decision will be choosing safe accommodations
Know the difference between direct and nonstop flights and always opt for the latter
Research the local atmosphere customs and manners
Put together your flying pharmacy
Check for immunization recommendations
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