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Make the library your best friend

Tips for Best Student in the class


Make the library your best friend

Use the library and not just as a place to sit in despair the day before your assignment is in.Once youve dragged all your books back to your dwelling place, read, read, read and reread if you dont understand something.Dont just rely on the internet as a source of all wisdom, the best students will use a range of different sources from ancient textbooks to online journals.Firstclass assignments use critical sources wisely. Whatever you do, dont drop a critics name in or a random quote from Dr. Ed its purely a waste of time.Understanding the critics and making a decision whether you support or oppose their views is extremely important.In the case of a written essay, the first class degree student will suggest one of their own ideas and then use critical sources to support them, not the other way round.


Be respectful
Neat handwriting is the key
Take Hard Classes
Go to school with a positive attitude to learn
Learn in a way that works for you
Use the Textbook
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Hard Work
Make the library your best friend
Be Attentive
Get your brain and body ready to learn
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