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porto Alegre

The Best bits of Brazil


porto Alegre

Business IT South America is a 3 day event representing the entire information technology sector of South America.
The target audience for BITS comprises Business telecoms managers, wholesalers and importers of IT related products and equipments, and IT professionals in general from the public and private sectors. All these will be able to witness their favorite IT brands and products under one roof in a friendlyenvironment.
Business IT South America is a B2B event which will be also attended by all those IT exhibitors of South America who want to expand their business and increase their growth.
the capital and largest city in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Founded in 1769 by Manuel Sep


Fernando de Noronha
porto Alegre
Sao Paulo
Caves and rivers of Bonito
The Amazon
Igua u Falls
More ...

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