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Green Tea

Tea Varieties


Green Tea

Green tea makes up approximately ten percent of the world’s tea. The production process, like that of white tea, starts with withering, followed by pan-frying or steaming to prevent fermentation. Before drying, green tea leaves are rolled to give them the desired shape. In China, this consists of eyebrow-shaped or twisted pieces, tight balls, flat needles, or curled whole leaves. Green tea is greenish-yellow in color, with a grassy, astringent quality reminiscent of the fresh leaves. Scientific studies have shown that both green and black teas prevent cavities and gum disease, and increase the body’s antioxidant activity.


White Tea
Herbal Infusions and Tisanes
Black Tea
Flavored Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Rooibos and Honeybush
Tea Tonics
Oolong Tea
Green Tea
Iced Tea
Mate Teas
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