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Make your own healthier Lunchables

School Lunch Tips


Make your own healthier Lunchables

Are your kids furious that you won t send them to school with Lunchables, aka pretty much the worst thing you could possibly feed them? Address the terrible injustice by packing up cute divided tupperware with real versions of all the same foods (plus some actual fruit or veggies, for good measure).


Have your kids pack their own lunches
If you want to add a cute note but dont have time to draw something
Organize snacks for each day ahead of time
Make a snack station for your kids to choose from
Freeze drinks the night before and theyll double as ice packs
Rice or Pasta
A lunch box with divided compartments cuts down
Put a rubber band around a sliced apple to keep it from turning brown
You can also freeze a clean wet sponge to use as an icepack
Make a big batch of PB and J sandwiches in advance and freeze them
Use cookie cutters to cut sandwiches into fun shapes
Hard boil a bunch of eggs at the beginning of the week
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