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Olympic history

Rules to play Speed Skating


Olympic history

Speed skating appeared for the first time in 1924 at the first Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix. Initially, only men were allowed to participate. It was only at the Lake Placid Games in 1932 that women were authorised to compete in speed skating, which was then only a demonstration sport. It was not until the 1960 Games in Squaw Valley that womens speed skating was officially included in the Olympic programme.

The events almost always follow the European system, which consists of skaters competing two by two. At the 1932 Olympic Games, the Americans organised American style events, i.e. with a mass start. This decision brought about a boycott by many European competitors, which allowed the Americans to win the four gold medals. This system would give birth to short track speed skating, which was added to the Olympic programme in Albertville in 1992.


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