The Referee
Rules to play Fencing
The Referee
All bouts at fencing are directed by a Referee who must be in a position of an up to date national or international refereeing licence. The referee has many dutiesCalling the roll of fencers (cf t.86 Presence on time) Directing the bout. Before each bout, checking the weapons, clothes and equipment of the fencers, according to the regulations described below.Supervising the proper functioning of the electrical apparatus.Supervising the judges, time keepers, scorers, etc.Being in position and moving in such a way as to be able to follow the bout while always being able to see the illumination of the signal lights.Penalising faults (cf. t.96 The Referee).Awarding hits (cf. t.40ss Method of Judging Hits).Maintaining order (cf. t.96 The Referee).When necessary, consulting with experts concerning the electrical apparatus (cf. o.7).