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Throw out the jack

Rules to play Bocce Ball


Throw out the jack

The team that won the coin toss or was randomly selected to start gets two opportunities to throw the jack into a zone 5 m (~16 feet), which ends 2.5 m (~8 feet) from the endboard of the court. If the team that first throws the jack fails to get the jack into the prescribed zone, the second team gets to throw out the jack.An alternate set of rules says that the jack need only travel past a regulator pin that marks the middle of court.If youre not playing bocce on a court, feel free to throw the jack wherever, provided that its far enough away from players so that gameplay doesnt become too easy.


Conduct and Courtesy
Score one point
Start of Match
After the jack is successfully thrown
Surfaces Courts
Choose your teams
Dead Balls
Coin toss
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