Optimized content
Precautions while using Websites
Optimized content
Optimized content is an important part of controlling the format and file size of your multimedia files. When creating video, animation or music files, choose export settings that are designed for Web streaming. Most editing programs have a range of preset export options to choose from. Save image files at the pixel size that you will use on the website and set the resolution to 72 dpi. Larger resolutions will not make a visual difference and will slow load times.
Security implications do these sites present
Be careful when using public Wi Fi
To avoid giving away e mail addresses
Be wary of strangers
Backup your files
Compromised devices
Optimized content
Limit usage of social networking
Copyright And permissions
Keep your software up to date
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include 'googleH_1.php' ;
//echo file_get_contents('http://mobsea.com/appcode/adv_tips.php');