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Check your account history online

Precautions while using ATM Machines


Check your account history online

Review your bank statements or check your account history online regularly to verify if any unauthorized transactions are shown. Always keep your statements in a safe place. Report lost or stolen cards or unauthorized transactions on your account to Bank of Central Floridaimmediatelyby contacting (863) 682 7100during business hours. After hours, call(800) 236 2442to report a lost or stolen card. Providing prompt notice will limit your potential liability.For additional tips on dealing with a lost or stolen debit card, the Federal Trade Commission provides helpful information on


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Extended Validation SSL Online Identity Assurance
Debit Card Safety Precautions
When in line at a drive up ATM
At the ATM
Choosing PIN
Before you go to an ATM
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Contacting your bank Ombudsman
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